𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔬

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You woke up at the normal time, showered, brushed your teeth and hair

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You woke up at the normal time, showered, brushed your teeth and hair. Got dressed, and headed out to Aaron's house to walk to school with him, like always.

The entire time you were walking to his house all you could wonder is 'is he straight?' 'Do I have a chance with him?' 'would he even like me back?'. The walk to his house felt way shorter than normal but it wasn't. You were just too deep in thought.

You arrived to his home and he was waiting outside.

"Hey y/n"

"Hey Aar" You responded, and you both started walking to school

"OH n/n, my mom wanted me to ask you if you have seen my dad, he didn't come back from work last night thank god."

"Nah I haven't seen him, why is your mom so worried? You guys get a break from his ass."

"Thats what im saying, but she still cares, I think she's still trying to save their relationship."

"Huh, odd."

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Later that same day, you kept thinking of him, even when you both were in separate classes. Nowhere near each other, he still plagued your mind.

You were scared as those feelings you so desperately were trying to ignore, forget about were still there. No matter what you thought about who you thought about. He was still the only thing you could think of.

You were confused to say the least. You never fully felt like this. Not only that, but you like to say you never felt like this about someone, but the truth is you have. There was this girl at your middle school, she was incredibly pretty. Though again, you didn't know what that feeling was, so you just ignored it. She had the most stunning brown eyes, she hated them but you always thought they were stunning,  even more so in the sun. She had her hair braded quite long, she never liked any hair styles on herself though. Her brown skin was beautiful.  She was beautiful.  

You were starting to catch on, though.

You were starting to catch on, though

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After school, you and Aaron met. It was oddly quiet, both you and Aaron, and you didn't say a thing. And that's odd for the both of you. Conversation always flowed easily between the two of you. So, this was odd.

You weren't worried about that, too deep in thought. All you could think about was how much you wanted to kiss the dark-haired boy next to you. After hours of school and thinking about him and realized how you can't push your feeling down anymore.

You were in love. But you knew that Aaron would never like you, of all people. He's straight. Or so you thought....

Aaron was the one to break the silence, he invited you over to his place. You obviously took him up on his invite.

After you both arrive at Aaron's you said hello to his parents then went up to his room

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After you both arrive at Aaron's you said hello to his parents then went up to his room. You both threw your shit on the floor then starting playing UNO as per Aaron's suggestion.

After a bit of playing, both you and him winning a few times.

"This is starting to get boring, honestly" Aaron announced while flopping off the bed to the floor.

"Yeah, What else should we do" You exclaimed while putting away the UNO cards.

"I have no clue" Aaron said.

Then Aaron got an evil grin on his face, one you knew all too well.

"Aaron what the hell are thinking?"  you asked

Before you could react, he pulled you on the ground with him, you landed on top of him. You made eye contact, and it wasn't odd, like how it had been earlier in the day.

You both had butterflies as you looked at each other. Then you both slowly leaned in. Right as your lips connected, you both melted together.

Your lips moving together, fitting together like puzzle pieces. Tongs swirling together. You felt as if nothing else was around you. Like it was just the two of you.

Aaron was sure that's the best thing he's ever done, for he's been wanting to kiss you since he met you. He was smitten with you. He was ecstatic that he was actually kissing you instead of imagining it. Like he as done oh so many times.

You, however, were ready for it. You had been planning to kiss him for a while, you just had to find the right moment. And it was even better than you could have ever imagined.

Once you both broke apart for air, you both looked deep into each other's eyes. It was as if you both were looking for the answer in the comfort of each other's gazes. Though, everything felt right, like everything fell into place.

But after a few minutes of silent kissing and silent looks, you both were soon interrupted by Aaron's mother coming in to check on the both of you.

*knock* "Hey boys, just checking in, is everything ok? I heard a loud thud from downstairs, I wanted to make Sure everything was ok."

"Thanks mom, but everything is ok!" Aaron calmly told his mother, as if his teenage dreams didn't just come true, he got to kiss his best friend and long-time crush.

"Yeah Mrs. Hotchner, everything is fine!" You exclaimed happily.

"Ok boys, just be careful! We don't want anyone to have to go to the hospital!" She joked while smiling, and by the looks of it was the first time she had smiled in a while, judging by the black eye she had. Probably from her husband, Aaron's father.

After she left, they, both looked at each other.

"So what now?" Aaron asked. He hoped you both would get closer, become more than friends.



"Well I was thinking, maybe you would go out with me.... You know, like a date?" You whispered, scared shitless about whether he was going to laugh at you, yell, tell your father, which in reality was complete BS. He couldn't have been happier that you asked him out.

Instead of answering, he just kissed you instead. Hoping it would express how he was feeling. And it did. You could feel all the love and passion in that kiss.

"We can't EVER let our parents find out about this, though." Aaron whispered.

You silently agreed, if your parents ever found out about this, then it would no longer be safe for either of you.


Hope you all like it! Please give me feedback in the comments!
Have a nice day or night, and please remember to drink water, my loves!

— Your Favorite Trash Panda

Hay, please give me feedback in the comments, I want to strengthen my writing :))

~Your Fav Trash Panda<33

In Another Life~ Aaron Hotchner x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now