CH.1(a normal day)

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                                                                            (~third peron pov~)

It was a normal day for ink and error,ink was hopping around going to get coffee from a nearby cafe,he didn't like it that much but it helped him stay awake and energised for his day ahead.Plus, he would be able to see his childhood best friend error,they had known each other ever since they were 15.

(so 7 years, error and ink are the same age and i made it like that so they would be able to stay in the same classes,cause that just adds more dRaMa, they are both 22)

ink had developed some feelings for error, they were two houses away from each other,but the only reason there families didn't like each other was bc inks family were rabbits,and errors family were full of wolf's.but error and ink didn't mind each other,they loved each other. But error didn't realize it yet,ink was in love and he knew it...even though ink was soulless,error made him feel something,error made him feel.and not just feel any emotion,error made him feel love... 

anyways, ink finally got to the cafe and entered,"Oh! Hey error,how are you doing?"the little artist said,"n0th1n9 3xc1t1n9 g0ing 0n"replied error, he opened his mouth as he was about to ask what was his order but ink interrupted him saying"no need to ask glitchy,u already know what i want and its never gonna change!" He said,and true error already knew but he always asked ink just to annoy him,but it seemed like it never worked so he just gave up,error just said"yeah yeah,ill go get your coffee" and went to get his order, no one knew the relationship between them, they acted like a couple but just said that they were just really good friends,but we'll see if that's what the future has planned for them(😏Pfft-what is wrong with me)

                                                                               (~Inks pov~)

Error went to go get my order, i knew he was trying to annoy me,but i never gave him any annoyed reaction which just annoyed him,so reverse psychology hehe.anyway,ever since i realized i liked him i feel like he just suddenly got more handsome and his smiles just got cuter and-everything about him just got ten times hotter!and i feel more flustered around him now,i mean i know i can feel love with the pink vail,but i know i love him without the i know?here's how....


i was just talking with error and then suddenly i felt my emotions going,i quickly told error i just remembered i had to do something and hopped up to my room to get the vails(we were in my house btw) i went in my room but my vails were nowhere!i quickly searched the whole room and the bathroom but i found nothing,then all of a sudden i hear a knock on my door"h3y squ1d ar3 y0u 0ka9?"error was probably worried and came up to check on me,"aww you care about me!"i said quickly still searching for my vails,but it was already to late my emotions went away,"1nk 1m s3ri0s,wh9 d1d y0u sudd3nly g0 up t0 y0ur3 ro0m l1ke th4t?"i didn't know what to say cause error still didn't know about me being emotionless and having no soul"...yeah i'm fine don't worry,ill be out in a sec..."i probably said that so dull cause he knew something was wrong and then he came in my room,i locked the door but since he was a wolf he was stronger so he managed to come in,he looked at me standing there emotionlessly with my ears down, he asked what was wrong but i stayed silent and gave him no reaction he came and then sat down on my bed and he patted the bed space next to him signaling me to sit,i did and then he hugged me,i know he has haphephobia but since we know each for 7 years he got used to my touch then we cuddled and he wrapped his tail around me and i realized that i was feeling something,i didn't know what emotion it was but it made me feel happy and safe and i felt butterflies in my stomach,my ears went up and then i knew i felt love


so yeah that's how i knew that he made me feel something without my vails,anyway he ordered my coffee and we chatted for a bit and then we said our goodbyes cause he still had to work and i went to go continue painting cause that's my job and because its fun too!






Well thats it for the first chapter,i hoped u liked it cause this is my first ever book and remember to drink water,eat food and stay healthy,bye!

773 words including this.

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