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I had nothing to do again, just like every day for the last few months. That's the last time I worked for a startup; I scolded myself as I browsed through my email, hoping that one of the companies I applied for would get back to me. It had been three months since the company went bankrupt, and I had submitted countless applications for any job. I had only got a handful of interviews, but none had called back.

All I can think now is how far I had landed from the life I dreamed of a house, a car, a husband and a good job that wouldn't disappear in the blink of an eye. Yes, I am gay, although I hadn't gotten any action since high school when I had my sexual awakening quite late, might I add or maybe I'm just dense as I never even had a crush on a girl.

It all began at my first job. I worked part-time at the local's diner in my small town when a well-known troublemaker walked in, the kind of guy mothers tell their daughters to stay away from. God, was he hot. It was a quiet afternoon, and I was lucky enough to take his order. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I had spent my entire shift chatting with him.

As I was leaving, we kissed. It felt like fireworks had gone off inside of me, but alas, it was not meant to be, and a week later, he was dating one of the cheerleaders. That is the tragedy that is my love life. You would think a 29 year old would have more experience, but no, I am apparently destined to be sad, alone, and jobless for the rest of my life.

I finally gathered the strength to get out of bed and get started on lunch. I threw together a simple turkey sandwich and was scrolling through Netflix when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and said, " Hello?"
"Hello, am I speaking to Noah McCall?"
" I am calling from Zion Tech to inform you that you have been selected for the position of CEO's personal assistant and will be expected to start Monday at 7:30."
" Yes, thank you so much; I will be there. See you then; thanks, bye."

Now I'm just sad and alone. I thought about planning what I would need on Monday.

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