⚾️The Unknown Girl⚾️

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Y/N's Pov-

It was the time of the year you were to visit your Grandpa in California. When I visited it was a pretty boring stay, you weren't allowed to go anywhere, see anyone. Not that I actually have  known or met any one there. But that was before you turned 13, Now that I am a teen my privileges have extended. I mean I love my grandpa but he went blind when I think a baseball to the head and that was light's out for him. He tells me that story every year I visit him. I love baseball like he does, but once you hear that story over and over again you get tired of hearing it and ending up forgetting it.

My parents and I were currently at the airport.

"You be nice and have some bonding time with you Grandpa, ok?" She said checking if I had everything with me. "And just because you can go where ever you want now doesn't mean you could be out of the house all the time!" She told me sternly while waving her finger at me "Here is an envelop (ofc the writing is in Braille) with all the rules you are allowed to do and not. Hand this to your grandpa when you get there." 

"Ok ok. I get it mom. Give the envelop, say hi, bond, blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes mentioning the last part. "Now if you don't want me to be late to my flight" I said all 'princessy' with a big fake smile on my face "Let me get to the gate at least" I frowned immediately. 

"Just make sure you bond" My dad looked at me with 'that' serious face.

I stared at him back keeping eye contact. He ended up blinking first.

"That's my girl" he said giving me a fist bump.

"Ok now run along" pushing me toward the inside of the airport.

I had a big smile on my face while I turned around out of my parents sight of view. I go through security and get my bags checked out including my carry-on. I walk toward my gates when a huddle of boys with baseball jersey's having the title 'Tigers' carrying a baseball trophie.

Cheering boys, the noise echoing through the filled halls in the airport. When I noticed they were heading to my gate, I got there and showed the woman my ticket and went in. As I tried finding my seat a boy my age pushed me into some other seat. 

"Bitchy much" I mumbled rolling my eyes at him. When I noticed I have to sit next to him during the whole flight, and this is a one-way trip to Cali; and where in NYC. A six hour flight with this boy next to me I swear I'm gonna throw a full on tantrum. But I'll give him a chance, if he fucks up. He's dead.

As I sat right next to him claiming the window seat the boy then looked at me weirdly. I scrunch my eyebrows down looking the other direction from him. I then decided to turn around.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer" I told him with a serious tone in my voice.

"Woah, feisty? I was looking out the window" He mentioned chuckling.

Embarrassment came over me and just looked the other way. All the kids now sat down and the flight attendants started doing that whole thing with the seatbelts and air bags. As the plane lifted up from the ground into the air you hear kids gasping for air. It wasn't much of a surprise to me since I board on every year. I looked out the window seeing the sun set. It was around nine-pm right now so for about five minutes I was mesmerized by the glowing light. I took a glance and my left and saw the boy asleep. Since I saw him asleep I decided for myself to get some rest, I mean its a six-hour flight I could sleep for more but sadly I cant. My eyelids soon blurred my vision and I fell asleep.

~~(Time skip brought to you by Phillips drooling in his sleep)~~

~~(The plane landed in Cali)~~

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