Chapter 1

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"Move Aside."

A girl was walking through the university corridor very quickly. It was her first lecture and she was nervous to attend. But somehow her train was late and she couldn't reach on time. Half an hour late. "Damn it."

At the Eric Wood building in the university where the strategic management classes were going on and Theodora panicked.

She reached the lecture room and walked slowly towards the scanner to tap her Id card for marking the attendance. It beeped when she tapped. Suddenly the room grew silent. She thought: why is it so quiet?

Suddenly she heard a velvet voice: Excuse me miss, could you look at the time?

She looked at her smartphone and rolled her eyes. "Half an hour late, sir."

"That's right. For your information I don't give attendance to the people who are late."

She met his eyes. He was very handsome and young. A brunette who is wearing rectangle framed glasses and black eyes. An elegant suit as his attire.

"Would you please leave the room?"

"I won't repeat this, but please let me attend the lectures."

"As a business student, you should understand, to be punctual and be on time. Is this how you are going to appear for an interview once you graduate and enter into a job? I don't tolerate this behaviour and you people don't follow this example either." He looked towards the students presented in the class and said.

This made her very angry. She clenched her fists and said, "fine, just because I was late, you showed me as an example of a bad student in front of everyone. Without even knowing anything about me. I'll leave then. But remember, don't judge a book by its cover."

She left the place in anger leaving everyone shocked. All of them were speechless about what just happened. Some previous students who are there for the resubmission couldn't just believe it, "that girl. She ... Really back answered him."

"So courageous."

"Silence." The man with glasses clapped.

Everyone grew silent and listened to his non stop lectures for 6 hours.


"Heh ... Who the hell he think he is. Pompous idiot." Theodora shrugged as she had lunch with her friends Yoke and Friedrich.

"Theo, I'm sorry for what happened." Yoke patted on her shoulder.

"I heard that a new professor joined our department and it's him." Friedrich said.

"He? Hahahaha.... Yeah the snobby person. What's his name?"

"He is John Roberts. But don't underestimate him. That dude is really talented. He had won the maths Olympiad when he was just 14 years old and had his higher education at Harvard University. The youngest professor in our university, he is just 28 years old." Yoke said.

"Still I'll say that he is a snob." She then focused on eating her bread.

Just then in the cafeteria the three friends saw the so-called snob they were talking about. "I feel parched I'm going to get some coffee. How about you guys?" Theodora asked.

"We'll pass."

"Blaze, one cappuccino please." Theodora ordered her coffee.

"This snob." She shrugged.

John somehow recognised the girl in front of him. "Did you order?"

The sound made her flinched and she accidentally took a step back just to bump into John's chest. "Yes."

"Then please step away."

Awkward. Damn it. Why did I bump in front of this guy? Theodora waited on the counter to take her coffee and the snob asked for a latte.

"Is this milk low fat?"

The barista was perplexed. He rolled his eyes, "ehm sir, it's the regular latte that you asked for."

"I can make it then if you don't know." John said.

"Blaze, don't throw that latte away. Just give it to me. There are certain people who want precision in everything." Theodora shrugged and took that latte along with the cappuccino.

John rolled his eyes and went to the coffee machine to make his own latte. Everyone were perplexed some of them murmured.

"This snob is making everyone's life miserable. Blaze works really hard and now he wants to drove Blaze away from his job too." Theodora shrugged as she drank her coffee.

"You want latte, Yoke?"

"Yeah... Thanks Theo. Friedrich, have some."

"Sure, thanks."

For a whole week he was the professor teaching them in class. And everytime Theodora met his eyes a sudden rage was filling up inside her. However deep inside her heart she acknowledged that he is handsome.

"What a load of crap." She then took out a notebook and started to draw his image. "According to Forbes Hershey's net sales were 8.7% in 2021. The global sales of Hershey's 8.97% billion which means it had managed to beat Dairy milk on that year." John spoke in the class while demonstrating the slides and Theodora focused herself in drawing him.

However usually during lectures professors never look over students who don't pay any attention. They just expect them to do at least best while doing their assignments. However John Roberts wasn't like that. He wants each and every student to pay attention to him and everyone to be punctual.

He slowly walked over to the side without any noise. "What are you doing?"

Theodora covered the drawing book with her hand and averted her eyes. "Nothing."

John took the drawing book from her hand and scoffed. "I have only 3 buttons in my suit. You added an additional one here." Just by this sarcasm everyone in the lecture hall laughed. He then took the book and walked away from her seat.

"Shit... shit.... I don't want to sit in his lectures ever again."

"You can't skip, Theo. He'll call each student who didn't attend the lectures. Since he has access to all student contacts." Yoke said

"Arrogant snob. He is getting me more and more angry." Theodora sighed. "Now I have to buy a new drawing book. Ugh..."

"Theo, why can't you pay attention to class. That's why he is targeting on you." Friedrich adviced.

"I don't care how posh he is. For me he is an arrogant snob, hateful man. I don't want to see his face." Theodora banged her fists on the table which caused the table to shook.

"Ugh... I'm going for a walk in city centre. Maybe some old movies help me release the tension. See you later guys."

Theodora then walked towards the city centre.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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