New Family

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****** Erik POV******

I stretched as the alarm rang my ear drums. I groaned and rested my hand to what I thought was my fiancé, but it was empty and cold. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My heart pounded as I saw the ring dazzling to the reflection of sunrise on a piece of paper with writing. I got up and knelt down by the side she laid. As I started reading it, it felt like she was there laying on that side touching my shoulder and saying what was on paper out loud. I couldn't compose myself.

 I couldn't compose myself

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"Baby, I'm sorry. Please don't go," I pleaded with her ghost.

"I'll be fine. Please don't look for me. Please move on and be happy. I will always love you," she said as she slowly faded away.

"Baby no...don't go," I cried kissing her hand before it disappeared.

don't go," I cried kissing her hand before it disappeared

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I felt lifeless without her. I stayed there for a bit remembering her beautiful face and the memories we made. I couldn't wait to marry her. I had it all planned in my head on how that perfect day was going to be, just the way she wanted it when I asked her a while back...a beautiful sunset garden wedding. I crumbled the paper sniffing. I looked at the ring, remembering the first time I asked her to marry me. I smiled. I finally got the strength to get up. She said she didn't want to be found, but what if something happened to her. I couldn't live with myself if that happened. I sighed not knowing what to do. I walked down the stairs to find my brother and Monique kissing in the kitchen. I cleared my throat. "Hurry up...we're leaving in 2 minutes," I said then went back upstairs to find the duffel bag still open. As I was zipping it up, I found a polaroid picture we took.

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