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*The next evening*

Hazel's POV

I walked out of my room and headed towards the deck of the ship. I walked past Amina's room and as I was about to poke my head in I saw something.

Daisy and Amina were kissing.

I was shocked however I expected it. I felt kind of proud that Daisy had the guts to kiss her crush. I should kiss Alex.

I crept past Amina's room so as not to...disturb them. And walked onto the deck where Alexander and George were waiting.

"Hello, where are Daisy and Amina?" George asked.

"Busy." I giggled.

"Wait did they...?" Alexander whispered as the two people we were talking about walked up the stairs hand in hand.

I chuckled furiously then nodded. Alexander laughed.

"How did you know what he was going to ask? And what's the joke I'm missing?" George whispered confused.

I ignored George's questions and turned around to face Daisy. Her face was flushed and her mouth was set in a large grin. I smirked at her then raised one of my eyebrows.

Daisy's eyes widened as she blushed a deep red. Evidently she knew that I knew she kissed Amina. I started laughing, the expression on her face was priceless.

"So let's play a game." George announced.

"What should we play?" Amina asked.

"What about Never have I ever?" Suggested Daisy.

Oh great, a game for her to embarrass me and Alex. Nevertheless I said yes and we began the game.

"Everyone put up 5 fingers then put a finger down if you have done the statement." Amina instructed.

We all did what she said then George began "never have I ever had a crush on someone and not told them."

I put my finger down, as did Daisy and...Alexander. Wait Daisy told me he told her that he liked her so who was he talking about? Was it me?

"Never have I ever, investigated a murder." Amina stated.

Alexander, George, Daisy and I all sighed before putting down a finger.

"Never have I ever kissed someone." I smirked.

Daisy glared at me before putting her finger down. I grinned back at her. Amina put her finger down, as did George.

"Who have you kissed George?" Alexander asked.

"I was 5 and I kissed a random girl in the street." George shrugged.

I chuckled. For some reason that sounds so...George.

"Never have I ever been to Hong Kong." Alexander smiled.

I rolled my eyes but put my finger down, followed shortly by Daisy.

"Never have I ever been insecure about how I look." Amina stated.

My face burned up with embarrassment however I put a finger down. As did Alexander.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this group and not told them." Daisy smirked.

No she didn't. My face burned up and I got up and ran to my compartment. That was too far. That was the most embarrassing thing ever. I may have been a lot bolder these past few days however that was where I drew the line. I couldn't basically admit to Alexander that I liked him when I didn't know whether he liked me or not. That would be too embarrassing.

There was a knock at the door.

"Hazel, are you there?" Alexander whispered.

"Yes." I squeaked.

"Can I come in?" Alexander asked.

"Yes I suppose." I responded.

I stood in front of the mirror staring into it as Alexander opened the door and walked into my cabin. He shut the door behind me and strided over to me.

"You look beautiful Hazel." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and leaning his chin gently on my head. I burned up with excitement, embarrassment and and feeling that I cannot quite explain.

"I don't look beautiful." I responded.

"Yes you do." Alexander announced fiercely.

I smiled. Alexander could always make me feel better.

"Are you ok Hazel, you left in quite a state?" He asked calmly.

"I don't know Alex." I sighed.

"You can talk to me about anything Haz." He whispered, squeezing me gently as he hugged me.

I took a deep breath then blurted out "Do you like me Alex?"

"Of course I like you, you're my best friend Haz." He said confused.

I sighed, "that's not what I meant. Do you like more than a friend?"

Alexander turned bright red "oh-erm-i guess-yes I like you as more than a friend."

My heart soared. HE LIKED ME BACK!!!!! Oh my goodness this is the best day ever.

"Do erm do you like me Hazel? I mean of course you don't you deserve much better than me..." He rambled.

I turned around to face him, put my arms around his neck then kissed him.

I was kissing Alexander Arcady. I was kissing my crush in a darkened room. This was the best thing ever.

Alexander's eyes widened in shock before he kissed me back.

When we broke apart we stared up into each other's eyes. The romance was back and this time it was 100% romance.

"Does that answer your question?" I whispered.

Alex and I stood so close together, I could count every freckle on his nose (there were 15).

Alexander grinned cheekily then nodded. I grinned back before kissing him again.

After over a year, my dream had finally come true. I was kissing a handsome boy by the name of Alexander Arcady.

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