Lunch Loner- That's What I Thought

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"Lunch Loner- That's What I Thought"

Amber Riverwood 

Finally lunch...I am so hungry. I take my lunch-box out of my bag before leaving it on the racks and make my way into the canteen. Yes! Ham and cheese- my favourite... And an apple and can of coke. Cool. I'll just make my way to an UNNOCUPIED table. I just can't stand the thought of people sat with me, and watching me while I eat. Time for a bit of temple run I think. Yeah I really want to beat my high score that I got in art before I was rudely interrupted. Failing within the first few seconds put me off playing... I think I should just try again later. I'll put some buds in, shutting the whole world out.  

"your sex is on fire" I was singing to myself loving the music that was blasting from my ear buds. This is one of the oldest songs on my phone... nearly as old as my ham and cheese sandwich- It's disgusting. But oh well, I don't have any money on me, so i'll just have to eat it. And, i've always got the apple.  

OMG is that really cute boy looking at me... Oh my he is!!!! What should I do now... Oh no, he's walking towards me. HELP! Oh wait, he's just grabbing a smoothie from the bar. But... His hand brushed my shoulder. Hmmm. And.. And.. He winked at me when he sat down. What should I do now. Maybe I should stop looking at him... Oh that's just great. His friend has now seen me staring. And... OMG he's making his way over to me with a huge smirk on his face. You have no idea how much I want to slap it off of him. He comes and stops right by my table. I pull my ear phones out of my ears with a simple flick of the wrist.  

"What do you want. I'm tryin' to eat you know." I yawn. Slamming my sandwich back down in my lunch box.  

That only made his smirk bigger which really irritated me. 

"Did it hurt when-" he started but I interrupted. 

"you fell from heaven" I smirked. "No." 

"Ahaha, very funny." He grunted. His ape-man roots seem to be coming through. "Do you have a plaster because-" He started again, but I interrupted... again. 

"You cut your self falling for me?" I say, grimacing. "Thanks. I'm charmed. That's sarcasm, if you're too thick to understand." 

" Well that's a bit rude" he said fake hurt. 

" I'm not rude I'm telling the truth." I say smirking. I got to say I am liking him more and more by the second. Actually no, he's just another jerk. I'm not getting involved with any guys. THE END. 

"Fine then, but you won't get any guys acting like a dumb b*tch." He says.  

"Well if all guys are like you, (Ape-Like) I don't want a boyfriend. So just bog off." 

"Wha?" He actually grunts. 

"Precisely." I say. I put my buds back in and turn my back on him. I pick up my sandwich, i've gone off it slightly. Thanks to ape-man. Ew. 

I pick off a tiny bit of bread and nibble it, listening to Kesha-Die Young. 

Liams POV

As I walk along the hall to the canteen, Adrian stops me. I made a bad decision a few years back to hang out with him, and now there's no way I can end the friendship. What am I? Some girl. Girls and friendship issues.  

Well, everyone tries to avoid Adrian. He's bad news. He has this friend in another school. They've been close for a decade now. But, when I say Adrian is bad, you should see this guy. Like in comparison, Adrian is a worm... Harmless. I don't even know his name, but I know he's evil. All the stuff I hear that he's done... 


Adrian was talking to me... 

Crap, what did he want? 

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