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The news the Kpop industry/community was not expecting today.... the passing of Astro Moonbin. Its hard to put into words how It felt finding out Moonbin had passed :(

  I literally checked all over the web and social media to find out if the news was true.. and unfortunately the news was true.  

My heart goes out to his family, friends, members and fans

To be honest i was already having a writers block and this honestly pushes me back a bit more because it will be hard to write about him when all I wanna do is to show the utmost respect for him. So in the future chapters please keep in mind Moonbin and his wonderful smile and amazing personality. 

and I'm sorry this is not the update you where most likely expecting but this news is just heartbreaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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