Rude Awakening

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I sit in my room crying. Why didn't they tell me? Why wait so long? I grab my phone, getting ready to call my best friend, when suddenly I hear screams coming from downstairs. I fling my door open and dash down the steps, tripping over the last three, landing hard on my hands and knees.

Slightly dazed I stand listening for any sign of trouble. I take a deep breath thinking maybe it was just a movie or something. I walk into the living room just to be sure and stop dead in the doorway. Hunched over the couch is some kind of creature. Am I dreaming? Blood and flesh hang from its razor-sharp teeth. Its long claws keep ripping into something I can't see from over the back of the couch.

Is this real?

Suddenly the creature looks up at me, growling, its eyes wild and crazed like an animal. A shiver runs down my spine seeping cold fear throughout my whole body. But I know I should run. Without a second thought, I spin around running frantically towards the front door.

Once outside I jump in my car and drive. I drive until morning. Making damn well sure that I get as far away from that thing as possible. My eyes hurt from crying, and lack of sleep from driving all night, but mostly crying. Because my parents, who cared for me and raised me. Taught me that life is always full of wonderful and sometimes scary surprises, the ones who had told me that I was adopted an hour before they were brutally ripped to shreds by a creature out of a nightmare, are now dead.

And now I'm all alone. With nothing but my phone, a pack of gum, and maybe $100 in my wallet. Not to mention the fact that I'm possibly being chased by a real life monster.

How has this happened?

The only thing keeping me going at this point is finding my birth parents. I want to know who they are, if they're still alive. I want to know why they put me up for adoption before I was even a year old. They probably won't be too happy to see me, but what the hell. They're the only family I've got left.

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