♡Chapter 1♡

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The voices of marketshop owners trying desperately to make a living clattered with the sound of children playing in the street as they run away from grumpy shop owners, and to avoid the horses pulling carriages. Allen was going through this area in order to fulfill a mission given to him by Elluka.

As he walked through the Elphegort market square, he couldn't help but shiver at the horses. He watched the children run away in order to not be trampled by the horse or be run over by the carriage it was pulling.

"Now..." Allen mumbled under his breath. "I mustn't get distracted. They're just horses... they're not going to hurt you, Allen."

Allen had a fear of horses ever since he had an accident while riding his (adopted) father's horse. He blinked out of his thoughts and he realized he made it to his destination, 7125 Fruit Lane. His eyes laid sight on a girl with long, green pigtails facing the opposite direction.

"Ah!" Allen's mind went, "That must be the girl Elluka told me to give this onion to!"

Allen took the green onion out of his pocket and called out to the girl.

"Excuse me!"

As Allen called to the girl, she turned to face him. The moment the blonde looked at the the green girl's face, his mind stopped, and he felt weak at the knees. Her beautiful eyes and kind smile were enough to invoke an unfamiliar feeling within Allen.

"Yes?" The girl politely asked, her voice as sweet as sugar.

"Uhm...uhh..." Allen stuttered, struggling to think straight, "I-I...uh, Elluka told me to give this to you!"

The shy blonde held out the green onion in front of himself, lowering his head in order to hide the blush spread across his face.

"Why thank you!" The girl said, taking the onion, "Pardon me, but I didn't get your name!"

"My name?" Allen responded, slightly shocked that someone wanted to know more about him. 

"Yes, your name!" The green girl replied sweetly, a tinge of laughter leaving her lips.

"My name is Allen Avadonia!" The boy responded, with enough confidence to make himself not seem like a shy loser.

"That's a lovely name!" The girl exclaimed, "My name is Michaela!"


That name rang throughout Allen's head. 


The name of the most beautiful girl in the world.

Allen quickly realized that it was 2:23, and he needed to get back to Riliane before tea time.

"Oh!" Allen let out a quick yelp of realization, "I should get back home now! It was nice meeting you, Michaela!"

Saying her name made the lovestruck blonde feel giddy, like he wanted to say her name more.

"It was nice meeting you too, Allen!" Michaela waved goodbye and set on her own path to home.

Allen couldn't help but feel nothing but joy at the warm, fuzzy, almost painful feeling in his chest.

"What is this feeling...?" Allen pondered. There was no other explanation...

"This must be...LOVE!!"

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