♡Chapter 2♡

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The pounding of Allen's racing heart drowned out the sounds of his hometown's busy street. He didn't even notice the horses he passed by, which surprised him when he finally noticed his surroundings.

"Huh..." Allen muttered as he looked back and noticed the horses tied to market carts.

His mind quickly went back to Michaela, his beating heart once again muting his surroundings. 

He thought about her long, flowing, green pigtails,

Her sweet, charming voice,

Her beautiful smile, which complimented her eyes very well!

"She's perfect...!" Allen fawned over her internally. He only knew her for a day, but he felt madly in love with her.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the palace in front of him.

"Ow!" Allen cried, his face hitting the marble of the palace.

He balanced himself to prevent falling on his rear, and quickly regained his composure. The  sometimes clumsy servant entered the palace, took a look at the clock tower tower to see that it was 3:18. He took a relieved sigh and went to search for Elluka and tell her he completed the task.

As he walked towards the garden entrance, he was stopped in his tracks.

"There you are! Where have you been!?" A voice snapped at Allen, a voice he knew too well.

There behind him stood the princess of Lucifenia, Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche, visibly displeased with Allen's disappearance. The princess' clone servant bowed before apologizing in fear of being beheaded.

"I apologize, your highness, but-" Allen was interrupted by the princess grabbing his arm.

"Never mind, I need you to follow me." She lowly spoke in a stern tone.

Allen obliged, following Riliane to her room. Lavish furnishings filled the room in an elegant design. Glimmering trinkets colored the tall shelf standing against the wall. Her bed was very luxurious, befitting of a princess such as Riliane. Hanging from the ceiling was a beautiful, shining chandelier, Allen could only assume it was made with real gems.

Riliane closed the door, giving the look-alikes privacy. She smiled as she spoke,

"Allen," The princess began, stepping forward to her confused servant, "You have been very loyal to me, so I know I can trust you with this task."

Riliane placed a small glass bottle in Allen's hands, and waited for her servant to open it. Allen opened the bottle, and took out the small piece of paper inside. His curiosity piqued, he unrolled the paper to find writing on it.

"Let's kill Leonhart!" The paper read, much to Allen's shock. 

No, horror was more like it.

He tried to swallow the feeling of despair Riliane's idea gave him, but he just couldn't shake it. Leonhart was his (adopted) father, the man who raised and cared for him for years. He couldn't just kill him!

"Well?" The young noble asked, completely oblivious to her servant's wide-eyed expression.

"Uhm..." Allen stuttered, nervous about slipping up and ending in death row, "I'm unsure about this, Riliane..."

"Allen..." The tyrant princess' slightly irritated words felt like they were about to slaughter Allen, "I really don't like to use profanities, but you're acting like a little bitch!"

The servant was taken aback by those words. He would've expected that sentence from his father, not from Riliane! Or any noble for that matter!

"I...uh...okay..." Allen agreed to her highness' horrid plan, out of fear for his own life.

"Wonderful!" Riliane clasped her hands together with joy, "We will begin planning after tea time!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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