TamuSakiYuri got put in detention

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Tamura:This is fucking stupid!

Yuri:I can agree with you on that, this is the first time a teacher's gotten mad at us for just having a little tiny bit of fun...

Fujisaki:You both teasing me while we're in a hallway and the rest of the school is just walking by, IS NOT MY IDEA OF FUN!

Tamura:We've done that a hundred times, an all of a sudden someone cares that we're just fooling around?

Yuri:yeah we've done that before, so why is now any different?

Fujisaki:Maybe that teacher was new? If so I hope he isn't scared.

Tamura:Just another one who's going to try to get us two to listen and fail miserably. *rolls his eyes*

Fujisaki:Still, I've never gotten a detention up until now...

Yuri:that's because it barley exists in most schools, Mori Mori however, is an all boys school so we have detentions🙄

Fujisaki:oh okay, well what do you do in detention?


Fujisaki:besides that!

Yuri:Tōno#2 over here

Fujisaki:what how dare you Yuri, I am not a s dumb as him!

Yuri:Yeah I know that but like, in terms of sexual stuff you are, aside from the fact that you are dating us soo...

Fujisaki:please be quiet, I want to sleep or do something that isn't that.


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