17. Half-Cheese

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Smut warning!


Surprisingly, before Yeosang had to approach Mingi and suggest their new method to him, Mingi approached Yeosang. Though they ended in discord, he was excited to greet the smuggler with a grin.

With his hands clasped behind his back, Mingi halted before Yeosang in his preferred corner with Hongjoong. The rug maker was working on a life-sized rug of San. He currently added the finishing touches on his feet.

"I have an idea. Will you accompany me?"

Yeosang lifted his brow at Mingi. This time, there was no grabbing and pulling and yelling. Mingi waited with a bounce in his knees, eager to show Yeosang what he discovered. He wore pink shades today, but his smile was bright.

With a sigh, Yeosang closed his book.

"Sure. I wanted to talk to you, anyway." He stood, ruffling Hongjoong's hair as he passed.

"I like that one. Gives Beaufort a purpose, yet he still gets walked over all the time," Mingi chuckled in praise. When Hongjoong beamed and suggested he told his newest theories to them later, Mingi promised to be there. For now, however, he had private business with Yeosang.

The two found their way into his familiar chambers and Mingi tugged the doors shut festively. He spun on his heel and the dazzle of his shirt was beguiling and his pants hugged those thick thighs, but Yeosang forced himself not to be fooled. He crossed his arms, waiting for Mingi to start, and he gladly did.

"I read into the topic after what you said last time, and I found something good," Mingi cheered as he whipped out his comm and typed on the holographic pad. Though Yeosang didn't believe that until he heard him out, he was flattered by the effort. Mingi defended himself in their argument, but he took their relationship seriously enough to explore how he could improve it. Not that his pride admitted defeat, but Yeosang was pleased as long as they both worked on it.

"Listen to this," Mingi announced, clearing his throat before he started reading out loud instead of using the AI. 'Provolone is the fruit of devoted artisanship and total dedication to a single craft. Spun from stretched curd and initially too soft to place on shelves, this semi-hard cheese is known to take on a wide range of shapes and sizes.' To age it and give it its unique shape, we weave it up in strings and hang it from the ceiling. That's it, my precious Provolone. I will tie you up! Provolone needs more tension!"

Yeosang blinked.

He didn't know what he expected, but this wasn't it.

When he studied Mingi's triumphant grin, he sighed.

"Shall I run you over a grate? Rip you apart? Like Capri cheese?"

Mingi blanched.

"Cheese isn't a bad start, but don't mistake me for some yellow object you can fuck into as you please. And by the stars, I hope you don't do that to your cheese." Yeosang grimaced. It was less so a texture and more of a sanitary matter.

Sure this was it and he failed in his attempt, Mingi ran his hand through his hair and turned away.

"Sorry about that. I'll read more into it, but I figured maybe if I accommodated your wishes-"

Since Yeosang also had something to say, he stepped closer. When his arms hooped around Mingi's waist, the cheese lord froze in place, afraid to scare Yeosang away if he moved. Endeared by the reaction and the warm thrum of his body under his palms, Yeosang pulled him closer.

"Let's do what we usually do and combine the two. But this time, I will tend to you. Let's see how it works when you are at my mercy."

Mingi gulped, lids growing heavier.

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