Chapter 3. Happy Birthday?

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4 years had gone by, except their ages, there hadn't change much. Catherine still being the nanny and their father still working every day. On sunday they go to the church, they used to do that with their mother. In honer of her they continued doing that. Catherine made dinner every day. Liam, Killian and Catherine always sat down, waiting for Father to come home.

Liam was 11 years old and today was the day Killian turned 9. It was his birthday. When Killian and Liam came home from school, their little house was full of people of the village. Catherine had made a cake. It was delicious. They all sat down at the table enjoying the cake, Catherine handed him a present. "I hope you like it" she said. Killian opened it. It was a necklace with a little skull and a little sword. "It's awesome!" Killian said and he kissed Catherine on the cheek. "For our little pirate" she said smiling. "Altough we know you're never going to be a real one" said the women who lived next door. Killian smiled.

All the people had gone home. Catherine was making dinner. Liam and Killian were playing with some of the presents. They heared Catherine calling for them, dinner was ready. As usual they waited for their father to come home. He was late. When Father finally came home, they had almost finished dinner. His eyes were red and he looked like he hadn't sleep for years, he looked drunk. He grabbed a bottle of rum, sat down and threw a present at the table. "Happy Birthday" he muttered. Killian opened it. It was an empty bottle of rum with his name written on it. Killian looked confused. "What is it? What is it?" Asked Liam. Killian showed them the bottle. They all looked at father. "What, isn't it good enough?" They all just stared at him without saying a word. "Liam, Killian, go to your rooms please." said Catherine, her voice broke and she seemed angry. Liam and Killian nodded and left the room.

Killian and Liam were laying in bed. They heard Catherine and Father shouting at each other. Liam grabbed a pillow to cover his ears and Killian started crying. They were terrified. "You can't leave your children Mr. Jones!" Then there was this awful silence. "Don't tell me what to do!" Mr Jones shouted. "You're a terrible father!" yelled Catherine. They heared the sound of a breaking glass and a smashing door. Catherine was crying. He left.

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