battle time !

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I don't own star wars

Earth quickly came into view.

Anakin: Isn't that just a smaller Naboo? 

Mace: This planet is data filed in the holocrons back in the temple it was discovered during the Jedi and Sith war it was called Terra and still is called that, but the people named it Earth

They entered the astrosphere and soon saw the intimately saw problem a Tower with a flaming eye had risen out of the ground and crushed the empire state building to a million pieces and the Avengers tower was replaced by two towers and on it was a man in white and the avengers were fighting him, as they grew closer the man looked up and to Mace's up most surprise it was Count Dooku in his hand was a white staff the instantly became his iconic red sabre as soon as he saw them the Avengers look up to see the director of SHIELD with a bunch of weird looking creatures they jump down at least 3 stories.

Yoda: My old apprentice, you are under arrest for committing treason against the republic 

Tony: Emm, Yeah give up old man! 

Tony: Fury? Who are they?

Count/ Fury explain 

Tony: is an evil alien man with god-like abilities and the others are a galactic police force.

Everyone else: YYYEEESSSS

Count grabbed a staff on his right and his lightsaber on the left and force glided toward the eye of Sauron just then the look spoke thousands of ogres emigrated from the ground and the people were terrified.

Fury/Mace: Avengers, General Plo Koon, and Kenobi protect the civilians, everyone else get Dooku/ Angry wizard man

Dooku: (looking back) AHHHHH!

Thor: Have at thee!!!!!

Dooku swatted miolnir aside with the force but was stopped when he tried to grab it, istandly he was pounced by all the Jedi and avengers, and was cuffed with anti- force hand cuffes. 

Suddenly the Eye of sauron glowed a beam of orange energy straight towards them, but they noticed that it was going around the entire manhattan skyline it self then the whole thing lifted of the suface( Ultron's idea) as the eye glowed brighter and brighter a humaniod being was formed, sauron himself appered before them, 

Yoda: darkside is strong with him.

Tony grabbed Yoda and flew upwards sauring toward the rising island others followed Fury got the quinjet packed everyone in and went after them. 

The jedi jumped onto sauron suddenly the count apperaed Mace/Fury took out his blaster, and lightsaber and charged him and everyone else followed, the count bashed hs staff on the groung and a shock wave blasted many aside but soon the count was outnumbered and was yeeted off the island, suaron rised his blade and sented Plo Koon shaak ti and Peter off the island with an flaming wave of energy.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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