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DavidJames had always felt like an outsider in the world. As a deaf person, he struggled to communicate with others and access many of the same opportunities that hearing people took for granted. He had grown accustomed to his isolation and had resigned himself to a life of limited connections.

DavidJames had light white/tan skin, dark brown/black mixed hair, hazel eyes, and the body of an Ectomorph. He stood at about 5'11", with a quiet and introspective demeanor. His deafness had led to a life of solitude, but he was a deeply caring and sensitive person.

One day, while sitting alone in a coffee shop, DavidJames noticed a woman who seemed to be watching him with interest. She was beautiful, with long hair and bright, expressive eyes. She had a slim and athletic build, and a confidence that drew people to her.

As he looked closer, he saw that she was signing to him, asking if he would like to join her at her table. DavidJames felt a surge of excitement and anticipation; he had rarely encountered someone who knew sign language and was eager to communicate with him.

"Hi, I'm Nami," the woman signed to him, her fingers moving fluidly.

"Hi, I'm DavidJames," he signed back, feeling a little nervous.

As they sat down together, DavidJames felt a rush of nerves. He had not spoken to someone in such a long time, and he worried that he might not be able to keep up with the conversation. But Nami was patient and kind, and soon they were chatting easily.

"So, what do you do?" Nami signed to him.

"I work as a software developer," DavidJames signed back. "I like it, but sometimes it's hard to communicate with my colleagues."

"I can imagine," Nami signed, nodding sympathetically.

As DavidJames and Nami sipped their coffee, they continued their conversation, both feeling comfortable in each other's company.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" DavidJames signed to Nami.

"I love to travel," Nami signed back. "I've been to so many places around the world, and there's still so much more I want to see."

"That sounds amazing," DavidJames signed, feeling a twinge of envy. "I haven't had many opportunities to travel, but I would love to see more of the world."

"Well, maybe we can go on a trip together someday," Nami signed with a grin.

DavidJames felt a warm sensation in his chest at the thought. He had never had someone to share his dreams with before, and the idea of exploring new places with Nami filled him with excitement.

As they continued to chat and laugh, DavidJames began to feel more relaxed and at ease. He had forgotten how good it felt to connect with someone on a deep level, and he was grateful to have met Nami.

"I have a silly question," DavidJames signed with a grin. "Do you think I talk too much with my hands?"

Nami chuckled. "No, not at all. Your signing is very clear and expressive."

DavidJames felt a sense of relief at her words. He had always worried that his deafness made him stand out too much, but with Nami, he felt like he could be himself.

As about 45 minutes had passed, DavidJames asked Nami how she learned sign language.

Nami's expression turned serious as she signed back, "My younger brother Luffy had an accident when he was little. He set off some fireworks too close to his face and it destroyed his eardrums. He couldn't hear anymore and had to learn sign language, so my family learned it too. After that, I just fell in love with the language and kept practicing."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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