The coffee shop

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Thank you all for reading this far and being patient sweat hearts 🥰❤️ hope you enjoy this chapter my yeti's ❤️❤️!!

***after practice***
Narrator's view

Felix and Hyunjin went to go get coffee for the rest of the members.While waiting in line for their coffee they realised who was standing right in front of them.

He-na w-what are you doing -Felix
He-na turned around to only find Felix and Hyunjin standing right behind her.

Oh hii, how are you guys funny meeting you here - He-na

Yeah it is ,what are you doing here -Hyunjin

Oh nothing much just getting a doughnut and a milkshake, what are you doing here ? -He-na

Oh,just getting coffee for us and the members -Felix

Standing there in a awkward silence until He-na lift the line .

Uh wait were you going -Hyunjin

I'm just my studio -He-na

She said with soft smile playing on her lips as she walked off Felix and Hyunjin quickly went walking after her.

You wouldn't mind if I tagged along right

No I don't mind I would like some company, what about you Felix you wanna come?-He-na

No it's fine you guys can go ahead I have to help Minho with something I'll catch you guy later bye then. -Felix

On the way to studio

As He-na and hyunjin were on their way to her studio she started thinking about the coffee shop and how coincidentally the just met.

Isn't it so cool the way we just ran in to each other today??-He-na

I know right?!I never even thought we'd see you again! -Hyunjin

Really why would you think that??-He-na said laughing.
After all we actually might meet again if your company says you should model for my brand again.-He-na continued.

Well it just popped in to my mind I guess because as a kpop idol we promote so many brands and so our company just drops tem after just the first photoshoot you see. -Hyunjin

Yha I see,I'd also think the same if I were you. -He-na

After they arrive they at the studio Hyunjin was busy admiring He-na's planning structure and how big and neat her studio was.

Soo...I wanted to ask you what's up with Felix and why he didn't want to tag along? -He-na

Well actually I'm not sure but one thing I know is that he's been off since our practice but I'm not sure what happened.- Hyunjin

Oh, is he always like this?-He-na

No his normally bubbly, talkative but now it's kinda awkward -Hyunjin

Mmm hope you guys get along again -He-na

Felix pov

I don't why I was feeling weird to talk to He-na while Hyunjin was there and they are probably having a wonderful time without me. -Felix

What a minute do you actually like her??-Minho

NOOO!...well maybe just a little bit but like please don't tell anyone because like we met her only last month and I asked for her number and all and we've been talking alot recently -Felix says while trying to hide a smile.

Hmmm looks like some one has a crush. -Minho says singing it. So since I've never seen or met her before how about you tell me about her and how she looks? -Minho

Well she's from South Africa and she's got nice black curly hair that shines in the sun she dresses in nice vintage clothes outfits she's got beautiful caramel skin that shines in the sun and makes her look more beautiful that she already does and she's got such beautiful dark eyes that are full of life and energy and a beautiful hourglass figure that sits so perfectly in her cloths and a beautiful contagious smile that can make the sun it's self turn away in jealous for not knowing how to shine as bright as it she's also so kind and we both love straw berries it's cute -Felix

Wow, you really like her man. -Minho

I know is that worst part is that Hyunjin also might like her too and I don't know what to do - Felix

Well if you ask me that was kinda dumb of you to leave them alone in her studio -Minho

Shit I didn't think of that. Anything could be happening between them.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter, I'm also curious about what happens between Hyunjin and He-na thank you reader bye my yeti's 😊🥰❤️

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