The Doctor's Secret Bride - Chapter 5

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Michelle's heart jolted when she heard the front door open and close.

"Daddy's home." Precious jumped off her lap and bolted out of the family room. She hadn't seen her father all day, and even though she was worn out from her day at the park and shopping with Michelle, she'd been fighting sleep until he came home.

Michelle remained where she was, huddled in the corner of the sofa, too scared that her legs would refuse to bear her weight. Stand your ground, she told herself, remembering what Felicia had said. Ever since she'd met Erik's mother, she'd been rehearsing her justification speech. Like Felicia and Yasmine had warned, it wasn't the fact that she'd canceled Precious' lessons that would upset him, but that she'd done it without consulting him.

She imagined he'd been too upset with her to even come home for dinner. Mrs. Hayes had been in the middle of setting the table when he'd called. He'd asked to speak with Precious, and judging from her responses, Michelle guessed he was asking her about her day's activities. What was to be a scrumptious meal of stuffed roast chicken and artichokes dipped in butter had felt like wood and sand in Michelle's mouth.

That was three hours ago. It was now past Precious' bedtime.

Michelle looked up as father and daughter walked into the room. Erik's eyes impaled her from about twelve feet away. Michelle stared back with uncertainty, but innate tenacity as she closed the book she'd been reading to Precious and set it on the lamp table.

Dr. Erik LaCrosse was about to find out that she was nothing like his late wife. Cassie LaCrosse may have been afraid of confrontations. Michelle, on the other hand, had been tackling them all her life. She'd never backed down from a fight. You do that in her neighborhood, and people would be standing in line to stomp on you.

She watched as Erik crouched down to his daughter's eye level and brushed back some unruly curls from her face. "It's past your bedtime," he said. "Go on up to your room. I'll be up soon to tuck you in."

"Okay, Daddy." She yawned and turned to Michelle. "Good night, Michelle. I had a lot of fun today. Can we go to the park again, tomorrow?"

"We'll see. Sleep tight, honey. See you in the morning." Michelle prayed she wouldn't have to break that promise as she watched Precious leave. She pushed to her feet as Erik strode toward her.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was when I couldn't get a hold of you today? I called home several times and all Mrs. Hayes knew was that you'd taken my daughter to Manchester. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

Michelle swallowed. "I'm sorry you were worried, Erik, but I called the hospital and they told me you were in surgery. I left a message. As to my phone, I forgot to charge it last night and it died. I'm sorry," she reiterated.

"You're sorry. You're sorry." The muscles in his neck pulsed with barely contained anger. "Who do you think you are to be changing Precious' schedule on your first day here? You are her nanny, not her mother."

"Erik, I know I'm not Precious' mother and I'm not trying to replace her, either. But come on, you really think one missed piano lesson and two hours of reading for one day is going to have a lasting negative effect on her?"

"That's beside the point, Michelle. You don't make decisions for my daughter. You follow the ones I give you, not defy them. She's my child! Not yours!"

"It doesn't matter whose child she is, Erik. The important thing is that she is a child. One from whom you expect too much. You've overloaded her with swimming, dance, equestrian, and music lessons. The child doesn't even have a day off to relax and be a kid. And now you went and signed her up for the summer theater—acting lessons. She doesn't want to be an actress. She just wants to be a kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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