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I tried to stay calm..

"Okay, I'll bring you to the hospital just say with me okay?" I said picking her up

She didn't say anything anymore but I could feel her heartbeat

"Rose please hey stay with me.. Stay with me.." I said with tears in my eyes.. I normally never cry but this had me worrying so much.

I brought Rose to the Hospital and sat in the waiting room for almost 2 hours when a doctor walked over to me

"Sir are you family related to Miss Ward?" she asked

"yeah something like that" i just said

"Miss Ward is fine right now but she need someone who will watch her 24/7 for at least 1 week, do you maybe know someone who can do that?" she asked

"I can, I can do that" I said right away

"are you sure Sir? I can ask her mom?" the doctor said

"no worries I will do it" I said

"that's okay, you can see her now" she walked me to Rose her room

"Charles?" she asked when I walked in

"Rosie" I smiled at her

"don't ever scare me like that Ward" I walked up to her and gave her a small hug

"hey I couldn't do anything about it" she smiled

"did you told Lando?" she asked me

"yeah I did but I already said you were fine" I said

"okay but who's going to take care of me 1 week long? Please don't say my mom" she asked

"I will" I took her hand to hold it

"but you have to race" she said

"your my priority right now Rose, don't make me change my mind" I said while squeezing her hand

"Charles I don't want to be the reason you can't race..." she said

"I said don't change my mind Rose" I looked at her

"thank you" she just smiled

Rose could go home so I took her to her house and putt her into her bed

"try to get some sleep love"  I said

"I'll try..." she said

She fell asleep while I just said on the couch scrolling trough my phone..

"no stop please no!" I heard Rose screaming

"hey hey hey Rose it's okay it's just a nightmare I'm here" I gave her a hug and she seemed to calm down a little

"c- can you stay here please.." she asked me

"of course go to sleep" I said when she cuddled up to me and I gave her a kiss on her head

It felt good to be like this with Rose again

The next morning she was already out of bed making breakfast again so I already guessed she felt better again

"hey silly" is said getting a seat in the kitchen

"hey Charlie" she said focusing on the food

"look I know you don't want to talk about it but what happened yesterday?" I just said

She sighed "after you run out the door wasn't closed fully so I walked to the door and try to close it but someone pushed the door open and I fell on the ground with my head hitting the table and than he run out again." she said

wait for me {Charles Leclerc} Where stories live. Discover now