Chapter 30

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The doctors were not kidding about the random headaches throughout the day.

In every class i would have to step out because the pain would make it basically impossible to pay attention. Professor Weasley had said I could just study on my own in my common room but I wanted to have some sort of normalcy. Students flat out asked or stared at the bandage on my eye.

"Alright everyone welcome to November." Hecat smiled as she walked into class.

Damn I missed Halloween? That would explain all the candy that was left on my bed when I returned from the hospital.

"This month I want us to focus mainly on protego again. I know you are all 7th years, and you think you are the strongest thing in the world, but I have been noticing people not using it as much in duels." Her eyes quickly glanced at me making me confused.

I couldn't tell if she was talking about duels in class or me getting my ass handed to me in Azkaban.

As she continued talking the ground began to shake. It was like before the trip but harder. Students kind of looked around confused but Sebastian, Poppy and Hecat turned and looked at me.

I slowly gathered my things and began to get up. "Miss La Fey, where are you going?"

"Head hurts." I said without turning around and leaving. I could the hurried shuffles, probably Poppy and Sebastian, coming after at me.

"Ava," Sebastian called hoping I'd turn around. "Ava." He said a bit louder.

Poppy reached me first and yanked on my collar making me stop.

"Remember, we talked about this.. you aren't going down there alone." Sebastian made sure to grab my hand so I couldn't bolt.

I looked down at our hands together and sighed. "I know, but I can't let anyone get hurt. I'm just going down quickly to reseal it." He didn't look convinced, "I can do it."

"I don't think you can after what happened in Azkaban."

We made eye contact for a moment. "I'll be fast." I let go of his hand. As he began to try to grab me again I tried to aparate. I havent before with out an adult but I could do it. I could open portals to other times.

I closed my eyes and thought heard before I heard a pop. I opened my eye and peaked before jumping. "Yes!" I was at the door of the map chamber.

I aimed my wand at the door, "Colloportus." I heard the heavy doors lock as I turned to the debris blocking my way in. There was definitely more shaking. As I approached it. "Reparo." The debris started to form back up out of the way to go to the repository.


Day of ranrok's attack
Sebastian's pov

"Ominis. Im sorry."

"Sebastian, why in Merlin's name are you apologizing to me? You didn't kill my uncle." He whispered the last part as the librarian walked by and gave us dirty looks.

"It was self defense. He was trying to hurt me and Ava."

"You don't use the killing curse as defense."

I began to say something back when the whole ground began to shake. Poppy who had been asleep at the table across from us shot up. "Oh no," she looked around. When she made eye contact with me I could see fear in her eyes. "Sebastian, it's Ava. I think Ranrok found the repository."

Everything clicked, "wait there's a repository near by?"

"Yeah, it's under the school. She would have told you but you called her ignorant. I don't think she liked that very much."

"You called her ignorant?" Ominis asked.

"I told her I was sorry."

Poppy rolled her eyes. "Men."

"We have to help her. She can't do that by herself." I began to walk for the library exit when Poppy stopped me.

"We don't know how to get down there. Besides, she already told me what to do."

I looked at her confused as she smiled.


"Petrificus Totalus." Poppy said still smiling and suddenly I couldn't move. "Ominis, help me. Our job is to make sure Sebastian doesn't go help Ava. She knew he'd try."

"She's very smart." Ominis chimed in. they both lifted me and began to tow me out of the school while teachers escorted other students to Hogsmead.

Once we seemed to be far enough away Poppy unfroze me making me almost drop to the floor.

"Poppy, what did you do?" I tried to run back but Ominis somehow caught me by the collar.

"Ava has to do this." Poppy stated. "What could we do anyway?"

As she asked there was a loud sound from the school.  For a second light shot through every window in the school  like all the candles and light were lit instantly.


"What?" Ominis asked.

"Nothing I'll explain later." I mumbled.

All the students had also stopped and began to watch,
Wondering if something would happen. 

Professor Garlik was near us and she seemed anxious. Her foot was tapping rather quickly and she seemed to be nibbling on the nail of her thumb.

"Professor," I called her over, "how do we know if Ava wins?"

For a second she looked confused as to how I would know Ava was down there. After that she sighed. "We really can't know. I'm assuming Professor Weasley or someone would come get us. Or..."

"We get attacked by Goblins?" I finished her sentence.

"Yes, I suppose that would be the other outcome."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now