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The sun was just approaching the eastern horizon. A flare of the lit end of a joint glowed as she stood at a grave simply adorned with a cross. No name was recorded. The birds had just started their morning salutations. She blew a stream of smoke through her dusty rose-colored lips, one arm wrapped across her middle defensively, the other balancing the joint between slender fingers. Her shoulders were hunched as she regarded the grave, a mix of feelings like a kaleidoscope in her heart. The numbness she had wrapped herself in for weeks was sloughing off, leaving her feeling raw as a viper shedding its skin. Facing this kind of reality, one that came far too often in this city, was something she hadn't missed since she left. 

Over a year had passed since she left Los Santos. She could see the city lights glimmering in the distance, starting to turn off one by one as the sun rose behind her. The sun caught the tips of the sky scrapers, gleaming in an orange light as the sun ascended over Mount Chilliad. She had never watched the sunrise from this perspective, she had never had a reason to. 

This wasn't a cemetery. This was just a single grave on the side of a mountain. Someone had told her where to find it, thinking it would give her closure. 

She flicked the remains of the joint down on the ground, stomping on it to snuff it out. If she twisted the toe of her stiletto a little extra viciously into the ground, no one was there to scold her. This wasn't the closure she wanted. It was just another example of unfair timing in this city. 

Turning her back on the grave, resolving in her heart to never come back here, she walked quickly through the trees and climbed into the car waiting in the side of the mountain road. The tires spun in the gravel as she sped away quickly, silence returning to the woods as the car disappeared.

There were new workers at UwU, a fresh set of civs holding it down at the cat cafe. They served her her matcha and her breakfast with a nervous look in their eyes, obviously working in Little Seoul was as perilous as it always had been if the surreptitious glances at her chain were anything to judge by. She wore oversized sunglasses even in the building, and sat deep in the booth, facing away from the door so people wouldn't be able to see her when they came in. It was quiet for the most part in the cafe, other than people coming in for their morning caffeine kick. 

She checked her phone, it was about eleven. Time for her first phone call. She tapped the phone icon next to her contact.

Ring, ring.

It was picked up immediately. "What the hell? Are you alright?"

She smiled despite her dim mood. "I'm fine, Vinny. I'm in town."

"The hell you are! What are you doing in Los Santos?"

The smile fell away. "I decided it was time to come home. I just wanted to call you to see if I was gonna get a warm welcome when I showed up. I kinda left abruptly and I haven't been back in a while."

"Yeah I'm not gonna lie, Ray, I thought you were dead. I hadn't heard anything from you in, what, a year now? I'm reserving the right to be furious with you after the initial celebration of your arrival has settled down."

Ray Mond grinned. "I totally understand."

"Also, you're grounded."


"As my adopted daughter, you should have checked in regularly. So, now, you're grounded."

"From what?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll think of something, don't you worry!"

She chuckled. "Okay, Vinny. I deserve it."

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