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TW: mentions of abuse, significant death. 

"I got eyes!" Tony yelled as he caught the flare of afterburners through his binoculars. "It's a go!"

"Light em up, boys," Buddha said into his radio. Distantly, they heard a distant thunder rumble of explosions as bombs were set off at the airport in the north. Flashes reflected in cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, and shouting began inside the villa. Right after, more explosions went off at the villa itself, hitting the barracks and Yeager's office, creating the distraction Ray needed to make her escape.

Tony and Buddha jumped into action, each manning an automatic machine gun with armor-piercing rounds, aiming away from Ray towards the other end of the villa already under siege. As the guns spat out rounds at the villa's walls, drawing attention to their own boat, Yuno was in a position further away, using light flashes to signal Ray where to land.

She was struggling. She'd managed to get flying after a few terrifying seconds, but she wasn't exactly sure how she was supposed to land in the water. The wind buffeted her, throwing her off track more than once. Her eyes were watering from the wind in her face, but she kept her eyes on the flashes from the far point where she knew Yuno would be. Suddenly, she heard returning fire from Yeager's guards, and realized they were also trying to shoot her down. They must have spotted the afterburners of the wing suit as well. She rolled to the side to avoid their fire, trying to maintain her path while not getting turned into Swiss cheese. 

Ray heard a whooshing sound behind her, and barrel-rolled to the side once again as a rocket screamed past her, exploding in the air not far ahead of her. The shockwave knocked her into a spiral, the wing suit shorting out. 

Yuno watched in horror as his sister hit the water hard. Jumping down inside the mini sub he had arrived in, he closed the hatch and dove as fast as he could heading towards her location.

Could you please stop with the whole falling into water thing, Raymundo? How many times have we been in this exact position now?

I have this under control. Stop distracting me.

You are unconscious and underwater. I don't really think this counts as having it under-

Ray's eyes shot open, and she panicked as she started struggling to reach the surface of the water, unable to breathe. She could see a faint glimmer of light as explosions lit the sky above the surface, but it seemed so far...

Hang in there. You're so close...

She reached towards the light, kicking weakening legs, the wing suit weighing her down under the water. As pain shot through her ribs, she realized she must have broken several as she hit the water.

You got this Ray. I believe in you.

The edges of her vision began darkening. 

I can't do it, Randy.

It's okay if you can't Ray... I'm sorry I can't save you. I'm sorry for everything.

Are you real, Randy? 

If you believe I am, then I'm real, Raymundo. 

I... I need to tell you... 

A bright light filled her vision, and she felt herself being lifted up rapidly. The surface broke as the sub lifted her out of the water with it, splashing down again, knocking the water from her lungs as it did. 

Yuno threw the hatch open and climbed out, jumping down to where she was, pulling her into his lap. "Ray! Ray speak to me! Are you okay?"

She coughed, looking up at him weakly. "I saw Randy," she croaked between coughs.

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