Don't run!

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By Agncec, 2023

DISCLAIMER! This work is not affiliated with DreamWorks in any way. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the movie. All events herein are purely fictional and sprung from the writer's imagination. The mirror Earth where the story takes place is different from ours (although there are overlaps), so if you enjoy things "dark and realistic" do not continue reading as you may find this disheartening.

This story plays out approximately fifteen years prior to the events of the movie.

"W-what will it be?" the pale ice-cream seller stammered as he regarded the teenage wolf and his scaly mentor on the other side of the counter.

"Glad you asked." Wolf replied, studying the multitude of different flavours. "I'll have one scoop of traditional vanilla and one of espresso coffee."

"And for you, s-sir?"

"Do you have any push-pops?"

"Y-yes. H-here!"


The seller's hands trembled but he somehow managed to push the two scopes of ice-cream into the waffle cone.

Wolf licked his lips as he paid the baffled man, having added a generous tip, picked up the cone and left.

"I should've known you'd go for a push-pop, AGAIN!" Wolf said between the licks as they crossed the street and entered a park. "You know those things are meant for kids, right?"

"Whatever! They last longer."

"Hard to believe I'm the younger here."

"Age isn't relevant. That's why I keep telling you you've got the skills to lead! And I ain't the only one thinking so."

They made their way discreetly along the fences and found a nice shadowy spot under a tree. It was high noon and very warm outdoors.

"Did that Piranha dude say so?" Wolf said in a dubious voice and sat down on the lawn. "I recall you saying his judgement stinks."

"It doesn't, because he ain't got any! It was Shark."


Snake's forked tongue flickered in amusement.

"Face it Wolf, you're on the road towards greatness. How tall are you now, eh?"

"6 feet 1 inch."

"A big Bad Guy if ever there was one!" the reptile laughed, giving the teen wolf a friendly push.

He didn't say it, but the young protégé far exceeded Snake's wildest expectations. Wolf had turned out to be nothing less than an A class canid, bestowed with a razor-sharp mind and reflexes and strength to match. He already did most of their heist planning by himself, to great effect. And the talent for driving a mean getaway vehicle...just outstanding!

There was only one thing amiss. Something which annoyed the heck out of Snake.

"Kids are kinda funny, aren't they?" Wolf nodded at the playground where a large number of children were playing, climbing, chasing each other and making a din in general.

"A bloody nuisance, you mean! Not that I wouldn't mind finding out what one tastes like..."

"Sick!" Wolf shook his head. "They seem to be having more fun than we do."

"Yeah, until someone spots us. It'll be a laugh!"

"I don't think all those kids are afraid of us."

"Not this again! For fang's sake, we're the BAD GUYS here! When will you get that through your stubborn head?!"

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