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As twilight cast its dwindling glow over the Asphodel Meadows, a vast expanse of desolation and decay, the landscape resonated with the hushed echoes of a bygone era. Within the melancholic embrace of this forsaken realm, a lone figure, cloaked in black hooded fabric sat huddled on a fallen, moss-covered log near the dying embers of a solitary fire, on the verge of reducing to cinders. Indulging in forbidden pleasures, both partaking in surreptitious sips from a contraband bottle of Answers Whiskey and taking forbidden puffs from a Tranquilite Cigarette.

The solitude-laden air bore the weight of its own silence, occasionally pierced by the distant howls of the wind. Amid this eerie quiet, a Traveller emerged – a silhouette shrouded in a tattered cloak, each frayed edge telling a tale of countless miles traversed through the abyss. The fabric whispered of unseen landscapes and untold hardships, bearing witness to the passage of time and the harsh caress of an unforgiving world. The emerald-green cloak, once vibrant, now bore the weathered patina of countless trials, its colour a testament to the wearer's resilience in the face of unyielding darkness.

In the profound stillness of this haunting backdrop, the Traveller's hand instinctively sought solace in the revolver holstered at their hip – an unspoken acknowledgement of the lurking dangers within both the tangible and intangible shadows of the Asphodel Meadows. Unbeknownst to them, the convergence of their paths in this desolate setting would unfurl a narrative woven with strands of mystery, destiny, and the lingering echoes of a forgotten era.

The traveller approached the mysterious Stranger, he paused a respectful distance away and spoke in a voice that seemed to resonate with the rustling leaves,

"Friend or foe!?".

The words hung in the air, carried by the gentle breeze that whispered through the Meadow's solitude. Cloaked in mystery, the enigmatic Stranger, when faced with the question, responded with an unwavering gaze. The Meadow, suspended between day and night, bore witness to the delicate dance of trust and uncertainty unfolding in the encroaching darkness.

"I am neither friend nor foe" the mysterious Stranger replied, their voice a gentle murmur that blended with the soft rustle of the evening breeze "In these shadowed realms, alliances are ephemeral, and enmity fades with the twilight. I am but a traveller, neither bound by camaraderie nor driven by hostility."

Approaching with hesitant steps and a palpable sense of trepidation, the Traveller spoke softly and cautiously,

"Would it be possible for me to join you by your fire for a while?".

A subtle nod emanated from the Stranger. The Traveller, with caution, withdrew his hand from the holstered revolver at his hip and proceeded to a nearby stump next to the fire, settling down with deliberate slowness. The hooded Stranger gestured towards a heap of wood, crafted from the remnants of once-shattered furniture, indicating that the Traveller should contribute to the fire. His gaze fixed on the impenetrable darkness beneath the Strangers hood, he seized a fractured chair leg and gently tossed it into the dwindling flames puncturing the night with a soft crackle.

"What do they call you, Stranger?" Inquired the Traveller.

The hooded Stranger raised the smouldering cigarette to their lips, drawing a deep inhale. In that brief, bright flare of the ember, distinctly delicate feminine features emerged, a rarity seldom witnessed beyond the western mountains. The air grew dense with the aromatic tendrils of the forbidden Tranquilite Cigarette as the Traveller retorted in surprise,

"You're...You're a woman?...What brings you so far out here?"

Casting off her hood, the Stranger revealed features that drew the Traveller into a realm of fascination. As he met her gaze, her pale countenance bore the enigmatic imprints of an elusive past, leaving her future veiled in uncertainty. Yet, an ethereal beauty graced her façade, harmonising with the undeniable resolve and wariness emanating from her eyes.

Elysium Nights (WIP)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin