You're sad but do you know who you are?

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Meeting yourself

Spend time with yourself. Get to know the real you. Learn what makes you happiest and what really bothers you. Let yourself dream and wonder, Think about your future" Make sense of your past. Ask the big questions. Be kind to yourself. Once you get to know who you really are, you will no longer worry about fitting in. You will no longer worry about going down the wrong path. You will be so focused on becoming even more you. It takes courage and vulnerability to get to know yourself, but it's the greatest thing you could ever do.

- Walk the earth


If you're here you're most likely a college student who is struggling, I'm a college student myself. and let me tell you, hearing the word college makes me want to cry, not that I haven't been this whole semester, better yet since I even applied for college, lol. Throughout the years of being in college we have literally seen/ been able to live a part of history, the stuff that they will teach in schools, maybe decades from now. 

So far since being in school we have witnessed and lived through; Covid-19, the ridiculous amount of mass school shootings, the impeachment of our former president Donald Trump, black lives matter protests, the Beirut explosions, Kamala Harris becoming the first Black/Asian woman VP, Rihanna not making music anymore and the list goes on. Seems like straight out of high school when it was our turn to be adults the world decided to crash, why? why would they do that to us? All of these play a big role in the reasons why you are sad whether you know it or not.

Being a college student is stressful in itself, we have to juggle so much. Friends, family, making those around us proud, working, being a role model to our younger siblings, while still trying to make memories, travel, have fun, and love all of these things are overwhelming, and when we can't do it all it's like a little slap in the face because we feel bad.

One thing college students need to stop doing is beating themselves up, me included!

Now I'm not saying you cannot be sad, but stop it. What's the point seriously?

 I've been asking myself the same question and when you really sit back and think "Why am I sad" you might even laugh at how ridiculous it sounds, I find that all too often people beat themselves up over problems and things that they cannot fix.

 So my question to you again: why are you still sad? sometimes we have to sweep stuff off of the rug and out the door, not even under. because you will find that sulking and being sad does nothing but make life 1,000 times worse for you. I promise. I might tell you a joke, but ill never tell you a lie. I'm speaking from experience

Here is something I never do which is speaking on my problems I have some tips for every day of the week for you guys which made me say"wtf" at least 10 times a day, we're all going through it and I feel like as college students it easy for us to forget that others are also feeling the same way toward multiple topics as well as just going through things in your life that makes you feel as though you are alone. 

If you are like me: you like learning from others and trying new ways to make yourself a better person.  After each post, you should watch a corresponding podcast that helps you more and goes into depth 

xoxo nele

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