Chapter 2: The Preparation

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After the Templar Equitums had been bound in place, Abimelech quickly introduced himself to Salvia. He was an Archangel of Hevellum, which was of little surprise to her. He was as magnificent as Ultor was horrific. What she hadn't expected though was that he was, quite literally, her Guardian Angel. He had watched over her since birth, whispering suggestions into her thoughts and subtly guiding the path of her life.

This brought on a subconscious worry in the back of her mind that she had never actually been in control of her destiny. The thought would've, given enough time, festered into an unshakeable anxiety that could've caused her to question her every action. Before the question had even formed into coherent words, almost as if he too glimpsed the seed of doubt taking hold, he confessed that he had only ever interceded a handful of times, owing to her kind and caring soul. It was her natural predilection to help those around her with a warm smile and gentle hand. She should've felt relieved, but somehow the knowledge that he had been there for her and yet hadn't been able to stave off the horrors that befell her village, offered little comfort. Her every emotion, every sense had been dulled since that night. Her every sense, that was, save for fear. Fear was becoming her ever-present companion lingering in the periphery of her mind.

Salvia was sure that Abimelech noticed her stoicism. With everything he had told her, surely she should've reacted in any number of ways, but she didn't. She just quietly listened as she reached for Lorenzo's gift hanging from her neck. Her hand was inexplicably drawn to it, needing to know it was still there, that she hadn't lost it.

The angel then knelt before her and cupped her cheek. His touch was warm and her skin tingled where he had made contact. He tilted her head upward until she found herself looking into his aqua eyes, eyes that seemed so sad and shimmered like gemstones in the firelight. Abimelech flashed her a small smile and began to inspect her.

Positioning her head gently left and then right, up and then down, she assumed he was checking her for signs of injury. Though she felt fine, she kept silent and allowed his inspection. In the quiet moments she sometimes heard sharp, hushed whispers coming from where the silver warriors stood, but Salvia paid them little mind. No doubt they would be dealt with soon enough. Divine loss of memory, or something. It wasn't unheard of. In fact, the idea was relatively common in tales from her childhood and now that she had a demon of Infernos and an angel of Hevellum standing before her, it seemed likely to be real.

"Well, I see nothing abnormal since thine awakening." Abimelech said, brushing her umber hair from her view as he intertwined a few strands between his fingers, most likely examining how dry and straw-like it had become.

In the last town she had come across, Salvia hoped to bathe and sleep in a proper bed, but the people were far from welcoming. In the short time she was there it was clear she was being watched. The people did little to hide the seething hate in their looks. They had already judged her the moment she stepped foot into the town. What it was that had given them their motivation for such open contempt was unknown but the rationale didn't matter. It could've been the color of her skin or her manner of dress, or perhaps a general mistrust of outsiders. The fact was that there was little she could do to change their perception given the short time she had planned to be there. So she grabbed what little food the local butcher was willing to sell to her and quickly left. Ultor objected, promising that he would keep her safe, but she felt it was best to avoid conflict as much as possible. Though she didn't care for how the Marlelains were looking at her, she didn't wish for them to come to harm. Besides, she felt safer out in the woods. At least there it was unlikely that anyone would trouble her.


She startled and looked at Abimelech. He was staring at her, and his hands gently grasped her shoulders.

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