Letter two

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Dear Taliya,

I wonder what you thought when you opened the last letter. I will admit, I seem slightly pathetic, sending anonymous letters to you.

I promise you, no one will ever find out about what happened that night. Your secret, eh, Tal? Oh, but you didn't realise that there was another person there. You thought that you were alone.

No one's ever truly alone, think about it. Unless you are in a sealed room, then there will almost certainly be some type of insect in with you. No guarantees that you are safe. You, especially, need to be aware of this fact. Be careful, Taliya. People aren't what they seem. You remember Marie? How she was so sweet and innocent?

She wasn't. Marie was (and probably still is) a she-devil.  That day when you got charged with vandalism? Well, you and I both know that it wasn't you. After all, would you honestly be the type of person who would pick up spray paint? Of course not. The day that I see you spray a wall... that's the day the world ends. I mean, you could mess up your manicure. And what would you do then?

Back to Marie. Think back to the time you lost your phone. No one was looking at the girl who went with you to report it stolen, where they? Well there's your culprit.

I guess it's too late to tell anyone now, though. But Tal, think twice before blaming innocent people, eh? Poor Jacob, punished for stealing a phone - a phone, might I add, he didn't steal. But as it was Taliya who blamed him, well, it must be true! After all, you were renowned for your failure to lie.

Can I take this moment to mention a time that I know that you lied?

When you said that you would let no harm come to Bree. Let that sink in. For a moment, just for one moment, you had the chance to change everything. You had the chance to save her, Tal. But you being you... well, you decided that it would be so much fun to go to that party. Didn't her reluctance to go to that party show you that, just perhaps, Bree wasn't in a partying mood?

Because she wasn't.

And going to that party may just be what pushed her over the edge.

Seeing as it was being held at Marie's house, though, you couldn't help but go. After all, she was your best friend... right? And her parties were the Best in the town at the time (a title which, may I add now belongs to Jacob. Strange, eh?)

I heard all about this party Taliya. All about what you forced Bree to do - whilst being too drunk to know any better. I won't force all the blame on you, Taliya. I mean, we all know that when you get drunk no idea seems too insane.

Bree wasn't drunk. In fact, she was stone cold sober, and very angry. For some reason, she had always hated Marie - this reason was to become clear later on, but as we all know, at the time no one knew a thing about their rivalry. One thing that was always a blurred line between the pair was partying. Neither of them seemed willing to give up being the 'top party girl' of the time. But at this one, well...

The dynamics between the duo had changed. Whereas once upon a time they had been equals... well now there was a distinction between the titles of the two. B had become the Bitch and the award of party girl had gone to Marie. Oh, sweet little Marie. The petite french girl, (may I add she had never been to France), the one who everyone loved.

Without reason.

I may have lied in my last letter.

I never did know B all that well at primary school. These are all the tales that she told me later in life, later when I actually knew her. But in year one? Well, that's a different story. Before we went to primary school, Bree and I were BFF's. We did everything together - apart from using the toilet, of course.

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