Chapter 1 ~ A New Life

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Y/n pov:

The air is chilly, the roads are wet, the rain tapping and pattering against the windshield, and the air smell of wet grass, pine, and some sea water. The usual when it comes to Washington weather. I've gotten use to it already that it's more therapeutic than a nuisance. Trees passed by my vision as I stared out the passenger window, waiting for it to come to an end.

My name is Y/n. I'm 15, and I live with my dad. We're currently in the process of moving because of my mom's passing several months ago. After what happened, my dad didn't feel like staying in our old house anymore. He said he thought a change in scenery could help us, at least that's what he told me. My dad found a small place in a small town called 'Forks'.

My dad was driving his black Dodge Ram, with me in the passenger seat. In the back seat are our 2 golden retrievers, 3 year old Charlie and 2 year old Izzy. A moving truck was following just behind our truck with most of our belongings while the rest was in our truck's tail bed.

We'd been driving for a while now and I didn't have much else to do, except maybe listen to some music on my cell phone. We passed a 'welcome' sign leading into Forks, so it couldn't be that much longer. Since we were almost there, I figured I could hold off on music and watch the scenery while it helped me get lost and think.

I, for one, wasn't really on board with this move. I didn't want to leave my school, my friends, my old life. Though I wasn't really going to argue either. Not like I had much of a choice anyway. Everything was fine until my mom passed away.

It's still kind of hard to believe that she's gone. It's been months, almost a year even, and yet it feels like it happened yesterday. It always makes me wonder what I did to deserve this. What mom ever didn't feel right. Like a bitter taste in your mouth that you can't seem to get rid of. Except, this one wasn't going away any time soon....

After what felt like seconds and forever at the same time, we finally pulled into the driveway of our new home. I climbed out of the tall truck, looking over and admiring the house.

It was nice house, I'll give my dad that. It's a white, two-story house with a stone path lead from the driveway to a small covered porch with a railing. Some small foliage decorated the outside of the porch rails. The front door, which also had a screen door on the outside, was a nice maroon color with a medium sized window. The front of the house had a few windows, three upstairs and another two downstairs. The yard was nice and green, a bit grown out, with small areas of trees and forest surrounding the house. The garage, which was on the left most part of the house and where the truck was parked on the connected driveway, had a maroon colored door like the front and a diamond shaped window above the door.

So far, it looked nice. Maybe a bit small, but nice nonetheless.

After taking in the house, I turned my attention back to the truck to get the dogs out. Opening the back door and grabbing the two leashes, the dogs piled out of the truck before I shut the door lazily. My dad not far behind as he exited the truck, looking over the house and then shifting his gaze towards the moving truck, which was now parked off to the side of the road with the tail end partially in front of the driveway. I'm guessing it was to make it easier to get stuff inside this way.

My dad went over to talk to the 2 guys in the moving truck, while I was left next to the truck with the dogs as my only company. Not really wanting to stick around by myself, kind of, I started my way down the path with the dogs on either side of me.

Opening the front, I'm greeted with emptiness. I shut the door before letting Charlie and Izzy off their leashes to explore the house, while I did some exploring of my own.

There was a set of stairs leading upstairs once you walked in, a living room to the right, and to the left was a hallway with a window facing the front porch, an archway to another room opposite the window, and a door at the end that I'm guessing lead to the garage. Walking into the living room, there was an archway that led into the kitchen, where I just happen to run into Izzy looking and sniffing her way through the kitchen. Moving onward, to the left of the kitchen counter was the back door. Going passed the back door, to the left, was another smaller arch leading into the dining i'm guessing. Not too far away, in the same room as the dining room, was a small bathroom. After that, lead another arch back full circle at the front. Right at the window facing the porch I had seen beforehand.

I turn to head up the stairs when I get shoved slightly in the legs by Iz and Charlie going up the stairs past me, who want to see the upstairs before i do, apparently. I chuckle at their silly behavior before continuing the climb up the stairs.

At the top, to the immediate left was the master bedroom and across from that, to the right of the stairs, was the other bedroom; my room. It wasn't too bad, I didn't mind the smaller size that much anyway.

Turning and continuing down the hall, I found another larger bath and an area next to it that looked like for the washer and dryer. There was also some cabinets above the open space, so we could put laundry stuff in there. The bathroom wasn't too bad either, just smaller than most.

Leaving the bathroom, to the right of the door was a window looking out to the front yard. I could then see my dad talking and helping the 2 men from before with our stuff.

He then happens to look up and spot me in the window before shouting for me to come down to get my stuff. I just nodded slightly and started leisurely making my way down the hall.

I didn't get far though as Charlie came up the stairs once more before coming to me to say hi. Izzy soon followed, coming out of my room to follow her companion.

I couldn't pass up spending time with Charlie and Izzy, especially during these times of prolonged grief and sadness.

Crouching down a bit, giving each one of them a couple head and ear scratches that they so love, before standing straight again. I decide to take a slight detour to my new room for another once over.

It was now that I realized that my new room has a window bench facing the backyard, because Izzy jumped up to look out said window. Charlie ended up joining, as he put front paws on the seat to hold himself up. I thought 'why not' and joined as well.

Looking at my room more, it's making me slowly wonder what would have happened if mom was here to see this. Where would we be if she was still with us now?...

My thoughts stopped with a fluffy head on my leg belonging to little Izzy.

Taking this chance before I get distracted again, I stand from the bench causing both dogs to perk up and follow my lead.

Then walking out of my room with two fluffy golden tails down the stairs

I couldn't think too much on what had happened right now, though.

It was time to try to start my life again.

A new life....

Published: October 13th, 2023

I hope this chapter is ok! I might have gone too detailed with descriptions and stuff, but let me know what you think! (Nicely please)
I hope you liked the first chapter and hope you like the rest!
I hope you can also forgive my slow updates😅

I might also draw up and show the house's floor plan if my description confused anyone or was just too much or to just get a better idea of what I wanted the house to look like. It may or may not change but I'm hoping to stick with this design overall. I'm trying to use the white house across from the Swans house in the background for reference. (You can see it somewhat after Edward jumps off Bella's truck.) I simply move it to the left a bit.
Let me know if you like or not, or just don't care.

Anyways, I'll stop rambling
C u nx time!!
And stay rosie!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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