The outcast

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Once upon a time, in a small village called Edgewood, nestled on the outskirts of a larger kingdom, there lived a young orphan named Elara. She had fiery red hair and golden eyes, but she was also burdened with a power that she had to keep hidden - the ability to generate and control fire.

Elara's parents had passed away when she was very young, and she was left in the care of her uncle, who resented her because of her powers. He often belittled her and made her feel like a burden, which left Elara feeling isolated and alone in the village. Adding to her sense of being an outcast was her unique appearance. Her red hair and golden eyes were seen as unnatural and a sign of bad luck by the superstitious villagers. Elara longed to fit in and be accepted, but she was constantly teased and ridiculed by the other children in the village.

One day, Elara's life changed forever. The village bullies, who had been tormenting her for years, cornered her near the barn. They threw stones at her and called her names, pushing her to her breaking point. In a fit of anger and fear, Elara unleashed her hidden power and set the barn ablaze.The fire spread quickly, and the villagers rushed to extinguish the flames.

Elara, shocked by what she had done, fled into the wilderness, fearing persecution for her actions. She struggled to control her powers as she accidentally set a few more small fires while on the run, feeling like a monster and questioning her worth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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