Chapter 1: Work mates

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(Y/n) arrived at the studio in time, she examined the building before taking a deep breath "I can do this!" she encouraged herself under her breath as she took a step forward, ready to seize the first day on the job. Not a few steps in she was stopped by a guard asking for her ID as verification as an employee, the thing is—

"Sir...I don't have an ID," she told him hesitantly as he gave her a suspicious look, "I'm afraid no ID, no entry," the guard crossed his arms, straightening his back. "Wait please! I'm the new employee—I have the letter right here–" before she could finish a voice from behind spoke "You must be (y/n) then!" She peeked behind her only to see a familiar face and his charming smile, a smile that nearly everyone knows "Mr. Darling–" she whispered. She blushed at the sight of him, the one and only in the flesh; moreover, she never met a celebrity up close before let alone work for them. "I heard of you, you'll be my new makeup artist, yes?" he shifted his gaze towards her noticing her pink tinted cheeks "Oh? Falling for me already?" (Y/n) fidgeted her hands "Well–it's that–your so famous and all, I–" she couldn't finish her sentence and just laughed it off.

"Come now, you've got a lot to catch up with as a new employee. Try not to trip," he handed his ID as he walked pass her "Just show him your letter, you'll get through," he waved not looking back, before she could say a word he was off, already walking along side to whom seem to be the director talking about how the show will go.

The busy hallways overwhelmed (y/n) as she wondered along asking who will be the one one to at least introduce her to what's going on but the staffs were all busy at the moment. Exhausted, she sat down at the floor with a hanging head. "There you are," a familiar voice echoed as she lifted her head to see–none other than Wally Darling himself, "Oh! Mr. Darling, nice to see you again—weren't you with the director?" she asked him, he only chuckled as he let go of her "I was, but I kept seeing you looking lost, I guess no one really wanted to help you right now...busy as ever," he said with his signature smile "Let me show you around," (y/n) was a little surprised from his sudden offer.

"Are you sure? Aren't you busy?" she questioned.
"I am," he sighed "–but I rather help you, can't have a staff not knowing what's happening or what to do, can't we?" he added. Out of the blue, a voice boomed from behind "Mr. Darling!" he looked back to see who it was and quickly held (y/n)'s hand not long after "Come now, we still got time in our hands," he sprinted away with her (almost tripping), he sounded almost eager but also excited in a way as he giggled while that person continued to shout his name through the crowd.


"And lastly, here's finally the dressing room," he opened the door to revealing the last area he haven't showed her, behind the door was a rather huge and nearly neat room decorated with lights, endless vanities, the tables cluttered with countless makeup equipments, wigs and so much more; the other end filled with dressing racks where many beautifully sewn costumes were hanged, ready to be worn. Many of the actors and their assistants were busy as well, others were trying the clothes while the rest prepared their makeup and hair.

He could see from the look of her face she was left in awe simply from admiring what's happening backstage. He couldn't help but smile wider "Don't just be surprised just yet," he told her as he signalled her to follow him once more. Arriving at a door, hanged a sign written "Wally Darling" on it, (y/n) exactly knew what she is in for; the door creaked revealing his own dressing room, posters filled the walls, lights shined brightly and his costumes all laid out neatly along side gifts from his fans. This room was quite small but have privacy, she gazed her surroundings "So this is where I'll be most of the time I'm guessing," she whispered to herself still shocked "Well not really? I don't know much, but you can ask your fellow makeup artists here," he replied keeping his smile.

"Mr. Darling, finally you stopped running!" a man shouted from behind making both of them turn around. " got me," Wally chuckled itching his cheek, (y/n) examined him  he is rather...messed up now with his blazer almost falling off one of his shoulder and his blouse all wrinkled (from chasing them) soon she saw his ID—Manager "Jason Brown". He cleared his throat, fixing his blazer, "Now, Mr. Darling, may we now discuss about the show?" he sounded irritated as he said, raising a brow. "I suppose," Wally responded, Jason then turned his back at them; Wally waved at (y/n) before joining Jason as they walked.

(Y/n) never figured Wally to be...childish in a way, she always thought he'd be quite serious considering his fame but here he is. It was fun when he toured her around while he was avoiding the manager, just recalling it made her giggle. "Hey you! You're (y/n) right?" a voice called for her, "Yes, that's me," she answered.

A woman then walked towards her "I see you found Mr. Darling's dressing room," she said. "Oh! Uh...yeah.." (y/n) started to fidget with her hands "That's good. Now, here's what I called you for, the show is about to start soon, we need the actors to look their best as per usual," she discussed "You can focus on Mr. Darling first, since that is your main role, before joining us at the dressing room next door," she added pointing at the other dressing rooms with her pen "You see him at TV, yes?" she then questioned to which (y/n) nodded "Can you keep it like that, if possible?" that question intrigued (y/n).

"What do you mean 'if possible," (y/n) asked which made the woman hesitant to answer, biting her pen. "Well you see, the former makeup artist for Mr. Darling, something about them just, in his words, didn't click," she explained "No worries, they didn't got fired. And here's where you come in," she then did an awkward clap for (y/n). (Y/n) felt a little nervous after hearing that, she already felt a little loosen up from earlier but now she felt stiff, but at least if her skills didn't 'click' for him she still have a job either way yet still, she doesn't want this opportunity to slip by so quickly. "I'll try," she responded with little confidence, the woman's face lighten as she heard those words escape (y/n) mouth and gave her a pat in the back "Goodluck!" she encouraged as she ran off. (Y/n) sighed as she saw her leave "I'll definitely need that."


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