Chapter 16

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Inevitably,I was invited to a party that Kay Dog was throwing and decided to bring Trigg along, which I later ended up regretting. As I walked into the party,Funkadelic's classic hit "(Not Just) Knee Deep" was thumping out of the speakers and there was nothing but Bloods in the room partying,which made Trigg start to feel uncomfortable. "Hey,D,I think we should leave...we don't belong here",Trigg whispered,"Just chill out,man... whatever you do, don't start no shit",I replied. He didn't respond,he just went over to where the drinks were and helped himself. An hour later,Me,Kay Dog,Trigg,and another blood named Hitman were all at the table playing dominoes,and midway into the game,a conversation had started between Trigg and Hitman. "Say blood,where I know you from?", Hitman asked Trigg while slamming five on the table,"I don't think you know me",Trigg nonchalantly replied. After staring him down for a few moments, Hitman finally perked up and snapped his fingers. "Now I remember...we were locked up together in San Quentin",Hitman said matter of factly. Trigg didn't say a word,he just sunk down in his seat. At that moment,the climate in the room was starting to change. "Blood,get your head back in the game...niggas don't give a fuck about that bullshit",Kay Dog said while slamming down a big six,"Speak for yourself,blood... y'all don't know the kinda nigga that's sitting in front of y'all",Hitman replied," And what's that supposed to mean?",I asked while looking at my hand,"Ask him",Hitman retorted with a sly smirk on his face,"Yo,Trigg... what's he talking about?",I asked. Once again,Trigg remained silent. "Since he ain't got the nuts to tell you,then fuck it,I will...Back in '87,I was doing time for a gun charge and they put this nigga in the cell with me. At first,I wasn't cool with it because he was a crab but once I got to know him,he seemed like a solid dude. What I didn't know was that the car he was supposed to be rolling with was whoopin' on him and taking his commissary. On the outside looking in,one would think that his homies didn't approve of the fact that he was cool with me,which wasn't the case at all.In fact,they weren't even trippin' off me, it was more about Blood's paperwork",he explained before Trigg interrupted him,"Don't listen to this nigga,he don't know what the fuck he talking about",he said dismissively. "Well, ain't this 'bout a bitch? Now, blood wanna talk? Nigga,shut yo' fake crab ass up and let me tell the rest of the story!",Hitman disrespectfully exclaimed,"Hey blood,you gon' let him talk to you like that?",Kay Dog inquired while giving Trigg an intense stare and taking a long swig of his Thunderbird wine,"Ain't no use in taking up for his punk ass,he a buster anyway...Like I was saying, paperwork is the main concern when you're locked up and it could either make you or break you...In this nigga's case,it broke him",Hitman explained,"Broke him how?",I asked while laying down a domino,"This muthafucka got locked up for child molestation...Blood was fuckin' on his twelve year old niece and got her pregnant",he explained while pointing his finger in Trigg's direction. Once Hitman said that,my heart dropped in the pit of my stomach. I slowly turned my head and looked Trigg in his eyes. "Is that true?",I calmly asked,"Answer him,nigga!!!", Hitman shouted as he banged his fist on the table,which caused the music to stop. "Yo Hitman,you had too much to drink,go in the room and lay down",Kay Dog reasoned,"Blood,I ain't going no muthafuckin' where,this nigga foul and I put that on the dead homies!",Hitman shouted,"Nigga, don't make me repeat myself...take yo' drunk ass in the room and lay down or I'ma knock you down, however way you want it,blood",Kay Dog sneered while balling his fists up. Without saying a word,Hitman did what he was told and stormed off to the bedroom. "It's time for y'all to go, I'll call you and we'll straighten this shit out in the morning,as a matter of fact...everybody get the fuck out of my house,the party's over!",Kay Dog ordered before the patrons filed out of his house.

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