Love Fever

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Mr. Creason

8283 Bewitched Lane

Cherryville, CA, 85305


Feb 14th, 1987

To Mr. and Mrs. Shellington;

We at Wich Witch inc, would like to inform you that your request for Love Fever has been approved and placed upon your first born; under record as Andrew Shellington.

Our goal at Which Witch is to help all find their true love. Remember we are a goverment funded company ment to lower divorce rates, so all our products have been fully tested and proven safe for human use. The 'curse' of your choice will take affect when your child has reached maturity and will cease to have side effects the moment after looking into his true love for five seconds. 

If you have any questions concerning this process feel free to call our customer support agents, who are out doing charitiable acts in third world countries, at 1(800)-269-5555.

Once again we would like to thank you for the business and as always, 


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