The first mission

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I am going to be using my brothers' names because I will forget their personalities and names so lil sis don't be mad I mentioned the boys and not you :)

You were washing your knives in the kitchen
sink and normal that sounds like a peaceful housewife but you were coated in blood

And the scary part was that the blood was not yours...

{a couple of minutes ago}

Y/n: "Hey Ayden I've got another job, I'm heading out!" You yelled before grabbing your purse

Ayden: "Really Y/n your gonna leave me to take care of the little ones?!" He yelled back

Regan: "Y/N PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME WITH HIM!!!" He yelled louder than both of you


Ayden: "Go to work Y/n I've got Cameron!" He spoke calmly before grabbing a diaper and walking off

You quickly left before Lucas could grab your dress and beg you to stay and play with him and immediately ran to your destination

After a 15-minute run, you made it to a large mansion before checking your phone for the details

???: The leader of the demon kingdom muzan kibutsuji is currently hosting a party unguarded

      where is the second in command, Kokushibo? Doesn't he guard Muzan?

You were left on read and figured you would find out yourself before you snuck in through the crowd gathering inside

You lead your gaze to discover muzan indeed was unguarded seeing as his second in command was indeed not present

You wasted no time before going over to the corner of the room

You went and searched the walls before finally finding a light switch and you carefully drew your knife

You pried the cover to the switch off before reaching in and yanking a ton of wires out causing the light to get out

You heard the people start to murmur as you grabbed your night vision "sunglasses"

There were easily 500 rich snobs here, nothing you can't handle you thought as you recalled being ordered to leave no witnesses

You began to dance around the ballroom knife in hand as you gracefully slashed the throats of your targets

They didn't have a chance to scream as you kept dancing moving from one victim to the next

You could feel the confusion of those around you as they heard nothing but bodies drop and liquid splashing

And by the time you finished the dance you had made it to the main target with him pinned against the wall and a knife to his throat

With a firm grasp on his hair, you quickly beheaded him before he could talk you out of it

You went back to the light switch before repairing it to admire the mess you made

When the light flickered on you saw every single person that showed up dead all covered in blood before looking down at yourself

Y/n: "This will be a wonderful mess to find, but I'm going to have to wash the blood off before heading home" was all you said as you walked away


Your body shivered at the pure excitement from the exact moment they would discover the bodies

You finished getting the blood out of your clothes before putting away your now clean knife

You walked through the heaping pile of bodies before making it to the exit and walking the rest of the way home

When you made it home you saw that Regan was asleep with Lucas sleeping in his lap and a book at his side

It was clear he was reading to his little brother again

Ayden however was asleep in a rocking chair holding a sleeping Cameron in his arms

You smiled at the sight of your brothers in a peaceful state before picking them up and setting them in bed one by one

Once the task there was done, you finally got ready for bed waiting to spend tomorrow with your family


Not Tashio-era secrets anymore but I'm gonna call it that anyway

Tashio era secrets

Y/n has four brothers

Ayden is Y/n's older twin, he is a serious person with his head screwed on right and has a focus on success

Regan is a pain in the ass, he likes to bother his older brother in an attempt to get him in trouble by Y/n

Lucas is an energetic child, he loves Y/n and refuses to play with Regan when she is around but will play with his brothers when you're gone

Cameron is a hangry baby, despite being little he eats a lot, if he wakes up he will want to eat immediately, and after you can play with him a little before he goes back to sleep

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