10: Soulmates

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Jungkook squinted his eyes open, he hated when the sun rays hit his eyes and disturbed his peaceful sleep, especially when cuddling with his baby.

" Who the heck opened those curtains."

Jungkook doesn't open the curtains and always closes it before bed, if it is.

He looked at his sleeping mate and then blushed, remembering last night's incidents.

He could feel another heartbeat apart from his own. It was his mate's. They finally became one, except their mark looked alittle different and he didn't really think that he could feel the other half completely, and doesn't remember it when his parents and teachers first gave them the 'talk'

Tae slowly opened his eyes and Jungkook swore that the Omega's eyes didn't flash only blue but a shade of purple, it was light but still visible for the couple of seconds, but he ignored the thought, thinking it was probably the sun reflecting.

But a sudden worry passed through his mind...

"Does he remember?..."

"What am I supposed remember, if it's about last night, then it's pretty hard to forget about!"

Tae chuckled, light shades of pink tinted on his cheek.

Unfortunately it wasn't the case, Jungkook was thinking something completely different...

But he didn't think any further now that his mate can hear his thoughts threw the mindlink.

" Nothing baby, forget about it..."

" Well I don't think I remembered exactly what you wanted me to... so there's nothing for me to forget about in this case..."

Now Tae was curious what his mate wanted him to remember but soon shook the thought off, as his mate had gotten up from the bed. Tae blushed as Jungkook didn't have clothes on him.

"Yah! Get dressed you stupid muscle bunny!"

Jungkook simply chuckled at his flustered baby. He loves it when Tae is all flustered.

Tae tried to get up but couldn't and then saw Jungkook smirk at him while he was just getting casual clothes out of the closet, to wear after taking a shower.

"Hmp! This is your fault! Stupid bunny!"

Jungkook casually went to Tae ( still not dressed but has a robe on so it fine), and picked him up, since Tae was an Omega he very light weight unlike Jungkook.

He gently placed Tae in the bath tub, and he went to the shower. (Both had curtains so they didn't see eachother.

Both got dressed and when Tae realised that there friends and family members would've heard them last night, so he tried to tell Jungkook he was not going down stairs, but clearly Jungkook was not listening,

"Baby, don't worry there our friends, you don't need to panic."

" Exactly, there are friends, that's why I am panicking!"

"Baby, you can't just hide in the room forever..."

After alot of convincing, Jungkook somehow managed to drag Tae down stairs and clearly the world hated Tae cause at that moment everyone was about have breakfast and the young couple arrived right on time.

Jungkook was basically holding Tae because after a... well rough night he couldn't walk properly.

When everyone looked up to see the couple an instant smirk played on Jimin and Hoeseoks lips ready to start with the teasing,

"Look who's hear I hope he didn't go to hard on my brother,"

Jimin said teasingly and Tae just buried his head in Jungkook's chest. Jungkook just blushed but smirked alittle aswell.

" Aww, they all grow up so fast, but from the sounds I heard last night I think I need some of my hobi water!"

Hoeseok chuckled before Jungkook interupted,

" That's enough, your making my mate shy."

"Wait Jungkook- your marked, I'm so happy for you, I can't believe you let Tae mark you... That's new! But your guy's marks look different..." Jimin said curiously.

"Yea... I noticed that too I was gonna ask you guys..."

Jungkook said and a soft sigh left his lips.

"Wait- I think I know but you should check with the Luna and Alpha..."

Yoongi said, with a sudden curiosity, to know if his assumption is right.

Soon they all gathered at the throne room, and turns out Yoongi's assumption was right...

"Wait were SOULMATES!" Tae was even more happy now.

"Yea... It's very rare to get your mate as your soulmate... I mean having them as the same person is like one in a billion!" Jin said enthusiastically.

"Well that explains why I can feel a second heart beat and mind link Tae so soon."

Jungkook said, as usually it takes about a week after marking to talk through a mindlink.

" Hold up- you can feel eachothers heart beats... now that's cool and pretty new!"

Namjoon was really fascinated by the whole situation and happy for the young couple... everyone was!

"Does this mean I will expect my grandchildren soon!"

Jin said, earning a very embarrassed Tae hiding behind Jungkook with a flushed face suddenly finding the floor pretty interesting, at how the marble glistens with light reflecting on it, while Jungkook let out a whine but still the small smirk never left his lip but soon turned into a shy smile.

Everyone cooed at the couple, but the world could never leave them happy, everything was gonna go down, but only Jungkook knew... No one, and I mean, No.one. knew all the things he knows and he knows now it will be revealed very soon...


Hi guys,
I'm going to clear some doubts about there ranks and about taekook.


Jungkook: True Blood Alpha
Taehyung: Pure Omega ( for now)
Jimin: Beta
Yoongi: Alpha
Jhope: Beta
Jin: Alpha
Namjoon: True Blood Alpha

Hope that's cleared now,

But this is for now cause Tae is not only a Pure Omega, which is found out later, Jungkook has discovered his powers, but the devil will awaken later, but just in case some of you guys had doubts, the devil is different from the dusk wolf, it's just a part trapped in the wolf which soon will either be surpressed or trained to come out in the right time or will leave the dusk wolf for good... idk haven't decided yet.

Comment if you want the devil to leave or stay but controlled,(if staying).

I 💜 U

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