𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓮𝓷

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A cool breeze blows through open windows, protecting people from the intense New York summer heat. The tree leaves rustle and the laughs and joyful sound of children playing fills the air in the parks, streets and any nearby source of water the children can find. There is a knock on the door of the Hamilton house and Eliza Hamilton goes to answer. Already in the foyer about to go for the door, her unfaithful husband calls he will open it and walks in. Eliza brushes past him and goes to open the door anyway.

"Eliza, are we really going to live like this?" Alexander comments calmly, so she feels she can be nicer to him. Nonetheless, she ignores him. "Please Lizzy." He pleads, with only a death glare in return. "Right. Please, Elizabeth." He rephrases, knowing she no longer likes his special nicknames for her.

Another knock at the door is answered by Eliza opening it and smiling.

"Abigail, hello! It's lovely to see you,"

"Truly, two weeks are two too long. How are you, my dear?" She responds, as Alexander realizes he will not be acknowledged and retreats to his office, closing the door behind him.

"I am doing just as well as I can. Come in, have some tea, I'll go and put the kettle on"

"Thank you, Eliza. How are the children?"

"Oh, they are just wonderful! Phillip and Theodosia are doing wonderful as well! I'm not sure which one I'm more excited for!"

"Oh for the both of them and their happy relationship, then,"


Eliza and Abby chatted for hours on end about everything under the hot summer sun before it was time for the children to come inside and get ready to visit their aunt Angelica. With the arrival of Angelica came the leave of Abigail, but not without her leaving a strongly worded letter addressed to Alexander. As the children gathered what they planned to bring for an afternoon with their aunt, Angelica visited Alex. She used words that would be deemed unsuitable to use around the little ones, but nearly all of them were out in the yard again.

"I absolutely cannot believe you, Alexander!" She continued her scolding.

"I'm trying! What don't you understand? I'm trying!" He snapped back

"Mr. Hamilton, you are not trying nearly hard enough or acting as if you still want there to be a Mrs. Hamilton."

"None of you would understand!"

"I am in a loveless marriage arranged for money and status only, and never have I been unfaithful to the man I am committed to. Not once have I disregarded my marriage for some lowlife!"

"She was different, Angelica!"

"Do you want to know what she is? She's a whore and her husband is a goddamn pig!"

"What do you expect me to do? I really am trying to fix it, I can assure you. I would like to win my wife back soon."

"Good. Clear my sister's name and my father's and all of your children's, and you may coincidentally clear your own. But Alex, may I ask you, When will you realize they are your future? When will it be clear that they are your legacy and your adulterous mistress never ever will be? Goddammit Alex! Fix this, and fix it now." Angelica brushes herself off and leaves the room with a smile. "Children hurry! We will be leaving shortly!" She announces in the opposite tone she used with Alexander. The children all gather near Angelica as she walks out the door of the Hamilton house.

Eliza finishes tidying up from tea with Abigail and the children's hurried efforts to spend time with their aunt. Standing in the sun-drenched kitchen, she fixes her hair. She is beautiful. Her fair skin and dark hair glisten in the sun, and her eyes just sparkle. Alexander watches her from the doorway to his office, longing to hear the soft, kind, gentle voice he had not heard for months.

"Elizabeth," he says in the softest tone he has

She looks at him with a glint in her eye that indicates the slightest amount of affection. "Lizzy" he cut himself off, realizing his mistake. "I'm deeply sorry that slipped out. I believe it's just a force of habit. Would you please allow me to speak with you, Elizabeth?" She looks at him skeptical, but almost allowing this conversation. "If you would still not like to speak with me, that is alright, but I would like your permission to continue speaking to you." She nods, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed at him but her eyes, optimistic and doe-like. "First, this is a formal apology. I am truly remorseful and so genuinely sorry" She nods cautiously at his apology, but they both know it will take more than this. She acknowledges his step in the right direction nonetheless. "I want to start to make it up to you and I would like to point out that I have had time to reflect and the introspection I've had time to do has paid off. I've had seven years and I used them to realize what I should've done every step of the way, but every revelation was too late, I would like to apologize for that as well. I would like you, in your own time, tell me all I need to do for me to regain your trust and respect. But, I would like to talk to you when you're ready, I would like to start being your husband again. Your present, loving, caring husband and not the one I've been for the past years."

"Thank you," she says in a delicate tone. Alexander looks back up and meets her eyes once again. He smiles softly and almost cries at the moment of his wonderful wife allowing him back.

"Elizabeth, you truly are an amazing woman. I shall never treat you that way again for as long as I live, my dear."

She smiles and nods, "You'll have to earn this, Alexander."

"I am aware, and I am more than happy to."

Eliza nods at him and turns away towards the tea set she has yet to wash-her finest china.

Another knock at the door, the third one so far that day. "I will get it" Eliza whispers. She opens the door with the cups in her hand.

"Mrs. Hamilton?" Eliza nods at the man, "It's your son, is your husband home?" The tall unknown man says.

"What has happened with my son?" She replies in an unsuspecting voice. Alexander walks over to the foyer, a few feet behind Eliza.

"He's been shot. He may not live till the end of today, but we are not sure of that fact quite yet."

Eliza's world stops. She drops the china and is caught before she falls on her knees in the pile of broken dishes. Alexander catches her. She breaks down sobbing, a horrifying scream of agony leaves her mouth.

"Where is he" she cries

"You may not see him yet." The man replies

"Where is my son!" She gut-wrenchingly screams, "I must see him! Where is my son?" She continues to scream.

The man hands Alexander a slip of paper with the information they might need. "I'm sorry about your son," he says, leaving.

Eliza sobs, still being held by Alexander's arm around her stomach. She turns to cry into his chest and grabs onto him. He kneels to her level, so she can, and slowly, wraps his arms around her in shock. Eliza pulls him as tight as she can, and he cries into her soft chocolate brown hair that he's missed so horribly. 

1246 words and I'm updating again

Have fun with the cliffhanger!

love you guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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