The important 5k race

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A runner's mindset is a challenging one to comprehend. Me and my mom were stretching and walking around to warm up for a race. It was a warm day out, yet the sky was gloomy and filled with gray. We drank some water before the race started and ate a small breakfast to get something in our stomachs so we had enough energy to run. They started to announce the 10k run was about to start.
"10k'ers crowd up near the starting line." I heard the woman on the intercom announced. I watched as the people in the front took off at incredibly high speeds. Then 5 minutes later, I heard the announcers call for the 5k runners.
" stay to the left, and if you're in the front run fast." I heard them say as we took off.
I was running better than ever during the first mile with a huge grin on my face. I decided to take it easy the first mile even though I kept up a 9-minute mile pace while talking to my mom. I was keeping it easy, and had no pains as I passed the first ½ mile sign. The next ½ mile passed by too quickly, but at the time I thought that was a good sign. My back started to hurt more and more while at the same time, my hips ached and my knees were in excruciating pain as I got closer to the 1.5-mile mark. As I was getting closer and I could see the sign, a little kid passed me. That devastated my spirits, but I kept telling myself that I could make it to the 2-mile mark. I watched as my mom also began to pass me, but I knew my goal and decided to push myself. I thought to myself
"I know I can do this, I can make it." when I got to the next sign, instead of saying 2 miles it said 5.5 for the 10k racers. I started to power walk as fast as I could, but it just wasn't fast enough. Then out of nowhere, there comes a boy that looks 16-17ish, but he walked along with me for a while. He stayed with me for a very long time, he jogged with me, ran with me, yet he always kept the same pace. We hit 2 miles then 2.5, When we were about to hit 3 he stranded off. He was my goal to beat, if I could pass him I could almost guarantee that I placed. I ran and ran. I was catching up but i didn't know how long i could keep running ths fast for. My joints were aching my back felt like was breaking and it started to rain. I watched as people passed me but I knew i couldn't let that slide so I told myself
"I'm going to pass them at the end and i'm going to make sure I at least set my pr."
I continued to walk, then i saw the finishline light up. I knew if i pushed myself I could make it. I started to book it down international road. I ran as fast i could with the minimal amount of energy I had left. I kept passing people left and right. I made sure to keep my stride right and run smoothly. Then I passed the three mile sign meaning only 0.1-miles left. I sprinted as fast as I could against the wind. I ran faster than I ever have before. I knew my body was aching, but in my mind i had set a goal and I wasn't going to just give up. I stretched my leg out and swiftly ran past the finish line. Then I stoped, my heart was beating through my chest, I felt like i was about to pass out and i couldn't hear anything. My mom walked over to me and we walked around waiting for the results. Once they cam in I was overjoyed. I got third place in my age group. And i got a bronze medal.
There are many things i learned that day, but one thing I will never forget is that everything is hard, yet nothing is impossible.

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