chapter two: well i wasn't expecting... THAT

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I sit in my room, cleaning the blood off of my nose. I really fucked up this time. I had good intentions, I just want to help Summer, but I just keep fucking it up. I love Summer, I always will, but is this when I let her go? I really REALLY don't want to let her go, but I HAVE to do what's best for her. But as long as I'm still in the same house as her, that's not gonna happen. Maybe I'm being overprotective because Hope isn't still here, I'm taking my overprotectiveness out on Summer instead. That's not fair to Summer, so I have to leave. I'm packing my shit and going to go live with Hope. I have to.

I walk to my dresser and pull out all of my clothes, shoving them into my backpack. Maybe I'm being a little overdramatic, maybe I should try to talk to her. She just seemed so upset, every time I close my eyes, I see her screaming at me. I just don't want her to be hurt anymore. I keep saying she's not dealing with what happened, but maybe I'm just not letting her. All Summer ever wanted was Ethan, now that he's gone, I can't be romantic with her. I will only ever be her second option, and that's okay. She's been through some shit, and I remind her of it all. So, yeah, I should leave. It's for the best.

I notice blood dropping on my shirt and grab a towel off the floor, soaking the blood from my nose. Fuck that hurts. I look around at my room in this home, we just moved in a few months ago. After Tate... That mixed with Ethan being killed was enough to make everyone want to move. Valerie and Zyon bought a cute house and moved in together, their house is all white. White walls, white furniture, it's beautiful. They are having their wedding in February. Summer moved in with Cash and his two friends from California, Anika and Jackson. I bought an apartment with Ryan, Isaiah and Isaiah's cousin, Nathan. Nathan was a breath of fresh air; he is very kind and sweet. He is what we all needed. Then I met Keyara, on the outside she seems like she's the perfect girlfriend, pretty, smart, popular. But she isn't nice and is very controlling, she barely lets me talk to any other girls. She's the one stop I'll make before I leave town, I'll breakup with her and then I leave. Shit, I feel bad. I shouldn't have agreed to dating her, I knew I was still in love with Summer. I thought if I got with someone else maybe I would have closure with Summer, but I was wrong.

I'm excited to see my Hopey, I heard she has a new boyfriend and a bunch of friends. She deserves the world and more, but I miss her. I want to be with my sister, I love her.

I turn as I hear a knock on my bedroom door, I quickly shove my bags under my bed. I don't need anyone trying to stop me from leaving. "Who is it?" I ask.

"Nathan." The voice says. SHIT. I really don't need this at the moment. "Can I come in?"

I think for a second before replying, "Yeah." He opens the door and walks into my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"Hey." He says.

"I'm sorry Nathan, but I'm really not in the mood for a lecture right now." I say, I really need him to leave before someone gets hurt.

"Then it's a good thing I'm not gonna give you one." He replies. "I'll give you some ice though."

He tosses a bag of ice into the air, I catch it. "Thanks."

"Have you finished fighting people for the night or should I come back later?" Nathan asks, smiling.

"I don't know, I was hoping to get some shots in on you. Didn't get to beat you up earlier." I say, pressing the ice against my nose. It burns, but in a good way. Comfortable. "Are you mad at me too?"

"No, I'm not mad. I see both perspectives. I know you were just trying to look out for her." He says. Wow, that feels so good to hear someone say.

"Thanks." I say.

"For what?" Nathan replies, "saying the truth? In the long run, Summer will know you were just trying to protect her."

"I really needed to hear that." I say, it feels so nice to know that at least ONE person is on my side. I look at Nathan and realize he is juts sort of awkwardly standing by my door. "You know you can sit down?"

"Thanks." He says, sitting down next to me on my bed. Shit, I remember me and Summer like this. Just now I realize he is still in his Greek god Halloween costume, abs out and everything. The leaf crown falls under and over his hair, and its sideways on his head.

"I really appreciate you being here for me." I say. I take the ice away from my nose and feel a bit of blood trickle down my nose.

"I have a few tissues." Nathan says pulling tissues out of his toga. "I have - three tissues."

I smile at how silly and like unhappy he sounded. I look at him before remembering how my packed bags are right under where we are sitting. I feel my smile fade. "I'm kinda tired."

"Oh, yeah. Uhm." Nathan jumps off the bed. I feel bad, but I can't get too close before I leave.

"Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight." He replies turning to leave, but he turns back around. "Miles?"

"Yeah?" I ask. His face shows that he's thinking about something, he slowly steps towards me again. "Nathan?"

He walks towards me and looks into my eyes. I feel something, my heart skips a beat as I takke a gulp of my saliva. I stand up and me and Nathan's chests are touching, we stare into each other's eyes. What the fuck is happening???? Our heads inch closer together until our lips meet, his are soft BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? I didn't think I liked.... you know. Like I definitely still like boobs and stuff, but guy stuff? Weird. I pull away after a solid thirty seconds of kissing, I look at Nathan. Like he IS fine, I just didn't realize I liked him. I don't know. My door slams open and we turn to see Ryan and Isaiah, their hair is all messed up. Breakup sex. But they look worried.

"Frankie and Lonnie were found gutted outside the frat house. Their organs arranged a ghost mask." Ryan says, a tear rolling down his face.

Fuck, no going home now. Ghostface is here, and no one is safe.

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