The Idol of Eirræbœ

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The Idol of Eirræbœ

Lena had always been fascinated by ancient cultures and mysteries. She was a history professor at the university, and she had spent years studying the legends and myths of different civilizations. She was especially interested in the Eirræbœ, a lost society from Anglo-Saxon times that had vanished from the face of the earth hundreds of years ago. According to the few records that survived, they had worshiped a strange god that they called The Idol, a colossal, inverted pyramid that floated in the sky.

Lena had always dreamed of finding The Idol, but she never expected to see it in her own city. One day, she woke up to the news that a mysterious object had appeared overnight above the downtown area. It was The Idol of Eirræbœ, and it was real. Lena couldn't believe her eyes. She grabbed her camera and notebook and rushed to the scene.

She arrived at the crowded plaza where The Idol hovered ominously. She pushed her way through the crowds of people, trying to get a closer look. She felt a surge of excitement and awe as she gazed at the massive structure. It was made of some dark metal that reflected the sunlight in eerie ways. It had no windows or doors, no signs of life or purpose. It was just a silent and sinister presence.

Lena wanted to know more. She wanted to touch it, to enter it, to discover its secrets. She looked around for a way to get closer to The Idol. She noticed a small alley that led to the back of a building that faced The Idol. She decided to follow it, hoping to find a better vantage point.

She walked into the alley, leaving behind the noise and chaos of the crowd. She felt a sudden chill as she entered the shadow of The Idol. She looked up and saw its sharp edges looming over her. She felt a strange sensation in her head, like a faint buzzing sound. She shook it off and continued walking.

She reached the end of the alley and found a fire escape ladder that led to the roof of the building. She climbed up quickly, eager to get a closer view of The Idol. She reached the top and stepped onto the flat surface. She walked towards the edge of the roof and looked up.

She gasped in horror.

The Idol was not alone.

There were hundreds of them.

They filled the sky above her, forming a grid of inverted pyramids that stretched as far as she could see. They were all identical, all silent, all menacing.

She felt a wave of fear and dread wash over her. She realized that she had made a terrible mistake. She had entered their domain, and they knew it.

She turned around and ran back to the ladder. She wanted to get away from them, to get back to the crowd, to get back to reality.

But it was too late.

She reached the ladder and went down.

There was no crowd.

There were only faceless people.

They stood still and silent in the plaza below, staring blankly at The Idol. They had no eyes, no nose, no mouth, no expression. They were just empty shells.

Lena screamed.

She realized that The Idol had taken their faces.

And it wanted hers too...

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