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Ending the night on a good note, solar finally climbed into his hammock,all the other gladers were asleep,so he thought. A voice called out from the side of a glade and it shook solar away,his body jerking at just the sound of it. "Solar." A deep voice sounded off behind him. The blonde jumped and fell out of the hammock and straight on his face,giving him another bruise. He looked around,nothing. Then looked in front of him,there stood cross,The Tall rugged man who was strangely pale for a glader. "Jesus-! Christ Almighty!"solar whispered loudly which cross covered his mouth. "Follow me." Cross said Softly,he seemed so strange,cross never woke anyone up if he was awake,the two walked away from the hammocks,getting far away to talk to each other more clearly. "Solar,Do you Swear to speak to No one about this conversation through thick and thin,no matter the cost?"cross said dully,Grabbing his Shoulders. Solar flinched,looking up at the pale man before nodding slowly. "I guess?" Solar said softly. Cross nodded,his fake smile dropping as he took a seat. "I know what you saw in the maze,But you cannot tell anyone." The rugged voice said. Solars brow furrowed as he took a step back, "but I saw a monster,I should warn them." The blonde argued but only got a warning look instead. "Anyone would tell you that your right with the assumption,that was a man who was turned into a monster by the people who put us here. As long as you can keep quiet,the better it'll be here for you solar. I am asking you personally to keep your mouth shut about anything you saw today,Because you and I are one of them."
A hard THUD hit the ground, once,then twice. The night seemingly turning into a blur for the both of them.
The next day was cloudy,Mawce shaking solar to get up harshly,as if something had happened. Solar awoke in a cold sweat,shaking and looking at the other. "Mawce-? What,,what's wrong?", He asked groggily,only receiving a tight hug from the boy,Mawce mumbling the words, "thank God your alive solar,please don't do it again." Solar hugged him back, his hand on mawce's Back as he tried to comfort the boy. Solar paused,shaking his head as he looked at the once panicked kid Infront of him. "What happened?" Solar asked quietly,almost as if Solars vocal cords were being stepped on to make it hard for him to speak. Mawce looked up at him,rubbing his eyes. "You,,Passed out in the middle of the glade and,Haven't woken up in 2 weeks,It's Wednesday solar." Mawce said,almost sounding like a question.
Solar stood up fast, getting dizzy instantly, trying to figure out what the hell had happened to him prior. "No- no,I was just standing here,about to go to bed,your joking- right?" Solar practically shouted,his mind a mess and his words almost scrambled in his sentence. Gally looked at solar then Mawce,leaning on the pole to the medshack. "He woke up? " Gally asked sternly to get a nod in response.
Solar looked at Gally confused,Gally smiled at him,then swiftly punched him in the nose,Mawce pushed the brit out of the medshack,thomas and mihno replacing them. "Heya shank,you gave us quite the scare." Thomas said,getting some washcloths to wipe up the blood pouring out of Solars nose. "Tommy? Mihno-"solar started, confusedly Laughing a bit. mihno looked at solar and shook his head before laughing with him. "I don't,i don't get the joke." Thomas said,looking at the two of them.
Solar smiled, Shaking his head. "Your not supposed too," solar laughed,lightly patting Thomas on the shoulder. Mihno sighed,looking down at solar,almost feeling bad. "Gally wants to speak with you by the way,Alone." When solar had heard that his heart almost skipped a beat and dropped at the same time,feeling like he were to explode soon if he didn't get out of there. The blonde nodded,getting back up and grabbed mihno and Thomas,Pulling them into a hug. "Thanks for telling me Min,I'll Be Back on my feet before you know it."solar smiled,letting them go and running out of the brightly lit med shack.
Gally faced,red hot face from getting angry before,the pent of frustration eating away at both his body and mind. Solar walked in,a slight smileon his face as he faced the boy who punched him over at the medical shack. "Gally-? You wanted to see me?" Solar paused,his blue eyes meeting the emerald eyes that seemed to cease frustration when seeing the blonde. "You think that was fucking funny or some shit?" Gally said,trying to remain calm as solar took the next few steps closer,slowly,as solar stepped closer,Gally felt almost as if he was hypnotized by the others beauty. Solar scoffed.
"You think I wanted this? To be unconscious for weeks in end? To not fucking remember it?" He spat,gallys brow furrowed at the almost,insulting words towards him. Solar carefully placed his hand on the back of gallys neck,his forehead touching the other. "Ill beg for forgiveness if that's what will make you beilieve me,your worth so much to me and-" solar got cut off,the pathetic sentence being taken away from him as gally placed his lips on Solars,Laughing breathily to himself.
"You sound so fuckin' pathetic right now, "Gally whispered deeply,still laughing slightly in each part of his own sentence. Solar only smiled,laughing along with his other part. "Do you even know how pathetic the tantrum you threw earlier was?"he paused,laughing again and letting go of Gally. "I know your stronger but seriously Gally-"solar fell to the ground,Blood flooding out of his mouth like a fountain. Turns out he still had fight in him,at least enough to punch solar in the jaw.

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