Chapter one

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How did this happen?! I breathed heavily while going through the snow as fast as I could. My cousin was passed out on my back, I don't know what happened... "Muzan... it'll be okay... your younger cousin will save you!"
"Kagaya? Are you sure you wanna go out? There's supposed to be a snowstorm coming!" My mom called out to me, she was currently making some of the best soup ever. "I should be fine mom, I want to make as much money as we can for our family!"

My mom smiled at me while coming over with a rag, she bent down to my level and wiped my face off, "Thank you... please be careful though..." she kissed my cheek.

"I will! Goodbye now," I waved my hand and walked out the door not before she waved back.

"Kagaya? Are you going out? Can we come!" My two twin sisters rushed over to me, "I really wanna go!"

"I'm sorry you two, it's a long way down and it's getting late. It would be best for you two to stay here."

"But big brother!"

"Girls! Stop bothering your brother," My father came up to me while carrying an axe, "Are you sure it's good to go out? It's getting pretty snowy."

"That's exactly why I have to go! The money will help us during the storms."

My dad looked at me and put the axe down before hugging me, "Be safe..."

"I hugged him back, of course." I gave him a reassuring smile before heading off and waving goodbye from a distance, "I might not be able to make it back tonight but I'll be back by tomorrow! I promise."

They waved back and I headed down the hill, but I heard a thump. "Muzan?! What are you doing?"

I rushed over to my cousin and lifted him up, he was trying to carry some sticks but fell over. "Muzan you're sick, you know you're not supposed to even be walking right now!"

"I know... I just don't l-like being so useless."

I hugged him, "You're not useless, you help mom make dinner all the time!"

"I don't want to do that... plus I barely help anyway. How am I supposed to do anything when I can't even carry some flimsy sticks!"

I lifted him onto his feet, "I promise you, I'll find a cure for you and you'll be back to normal... but in the meantime please rest..."

Muzan looked at me sadly before giving me a soft smile, "Thank you..."

"Now I should be going before nightfall, be careful okay?"

Muzan nodded, "Where are you going?"

"Just to sell some wood, I'll be back before you know it!"

"Okay, see you then..."

"See you!" I waved and walked off but looked back a few times to check he was actually going back to the house instead of overworking himself again, he did go back eventually and that gave me enough reassurance to go.

"Kagaya! Selling wood at this time? You're such a hard worker!"

"Kagaya, sell me some wood! My family needs it for fire."

"Hey Kagaya, you sure came a long way to sell this wood."

I smiled at all the civilians greeting him and asking for wood, "Hey Kagaya, glad your here, someone broke my vase and I thought with your good sense of smell you could help me figure out who did it?"

Kagaya looked at the vase, "It was a cat."

"Really?! Darn cats, thank you."

I smiled, it was almost night time and he sold a lot of wood, he should be getting back now. "Hey Kagaya... you aren't planning to go back up the mountains are you?"

Muzan and Kagaya AuWhere stories live. Discover now