Chapter 3: Customers.

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The Hilichurl let out a screech as it died at Xiao's hands. Xiao furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Why do I feel stronger than before...? I don't think I took anything that can give me a buff..." he mumbled as he was confused as to why he felt lighter than before along with his senses being more sensitive than usual. "Was it because of that lunchbox from last night? No... It's impossible." He quickly dismissed that idea as he continued with his day.

Xiao soon arrived at Liyue Harbor to talk to a certain someone. "Hmm... I should add more of this..." Xiangling mumbled as she was cooking something, she then noticed Xiao. "Oh! Hey Xiao! it's kind of rare to see you here. Would you mind helping me with this dish?" she asked. He thought of setting aside his plans to help her, "Alright, is there anything you need?" he asked. "Juyuen Chili, I'm short on those... Oh! No worries I'll give you a lot as thanks!" Xiangling smiled as she replied. Xiao only nodded before disappearing to look for the Jueyun Chili.

"Hmm... What should I do with these leftover jueyun chilis...?" Xiao heard a familiar voice, he soon noticed you with a cart that is filled with lunch boxes. He figured that you were probably headed to Wangshuu Inn. "Oh... It's you. The lunch box girl." Xiao spoke out, you jumped in surprise as you let out a screech, his eyes widened at your reaction. "OH MY GOD!!! YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!" You scolded him as you let the handle of the cart go as you clutch your chest. 'Fuck! I didn't hear him... Thank goodness I didn't bring the hilichurls or slimes with me...' you thought. He cleared his throat, "Sorry." he simply replied.

"I'll try to... Approach you better next time miss...?" he asked, "Ah, you can call me Y/n." you replied with a smile. Xiao paused before replying, "Xiao." he replied. He didn't understand or know himself as to why he quickly felt comfortable around you... he peered over your shoulder to see that there were a lot of Jueyun Chili in your cart. "Oh, it seems you have a lot of Jueyun Chili." he asked as you hummed in response. "Do you need some?" you asked as you hand him some. "Yes but... No worries for I shall look for them myself." he reassured you. "Nah, I insist. Come on, take them." you urged him to take the jueyun chilis you were handing him.

"...Alright, if you insist. Thank you." he replied. "As thanks, allow me to help you with your cart." he added. "Really? I wouldn't want to trouble you..." you replied. "You're not troubling me, I simply want to return the favor. You're headed to the bridge near the Wangshuu Inn right?" he asked. You nodded in response, "I'm feeling really good about today. The food I cooked today is definitely going to be a hit!" you proudly spoke out. "Really? What is it?" Xiao asked as he started pushing the cart.

"You're going to have to buy one to find out." you teased, "Hmm... Shouldn't there be honesty towards customers?" you only laughed at his comment.

-Time Skip-

Five days had passed and you and Xiao had gotten closer. Throughout the Five days, he never bought a lunchbox from you nor accept your free lunchboxes for him. You were a little confused as your pride was hurt a little. It was all good in the end since you Xiao recommended your lunchboxes to people he knew, which is why you have your loyal customer in front of you now! "What's on today's menu Y/n?" Ganyu asked as she approached your small shop. "Oh! Hello Ganyu! The menu today is... Fried noodles with fried tofu dumplings!" you replied."That sounds delicious Y/n." she replied as she handed you her payment, you handed her the lunchbox and thanked her.

"Well then, I need to go. Maybe I'll stop by again tomorrow." Ganyu informed you, "Oh! No need to go tomorrow, I'm going to Mondstadt." you told her, she raised an eyebrow, "I'm planning on buying ingredients there that aren't here... Maybe I'll have more customers there." You replied, positively. "Well... Will you ever come back?" she asked, "If I run out of rice, expect me to be in Liyue Harbor." you giggled. "Alright then... Safe travels and good luck. I hope you gain more customers because you're lunchboxes are really good." she complimented. You smiled and thanked her for her compliment.

You watch as she leaves, you then looked at the sky, it was almost sunset. "Hmm... Maybe I should close n-" You were cut off by a voice. "Y/n-" you let out a loud screech, "FUCK! XIAO I SWEAR TO- STOP SCARING ME LIKE THAT!" You scolded him, "...Sorry." Xiao replied, feeling guilty now that he scared you for the second time. "Are you still open?" he asks, "Well... Yeah... I was just about to close... Why are you going to buy a lunchbox?" you asked as he nodded his head.

You then hand him one lunchbox as he hands you 300 mora. "Huh? This is only worth 150 mora." you told him, "I'm buying two Y/n." he informed you. "Well... Alright." you handed him a second lunchbox while you thanked him. "Will you be coming here tomorrow?" he asked, "Nope, I'm leaving for Mondstadt. I'm going to buy some ingredients I can't get in Liyue Harbor, I'll also see if I'll get more customers there." You replied, "Is business here going slow?" he asked. You nodded, "Well... Then safe travels." he replied as you handed him the lunchbox. You chuckled, "Thanks." you replied. Before you even knew it, he disappeared.

"Why would he buy two...? Who's the other one for...?" You wondered, your eyes widened as you realized that it was definitely for Morax. "FUCK!" You cursed as you hurriedly started packing up to leave.


"Re-" Xiao coughed, "Zhongli." he corrected himself. Zhongli turned around to see Xiao, "Ah, Xiao, you've arrived. Here, come take a seat." Zhongli told him as he sat in front of him. Xiao placed the lunch boxes on the table, Zhongli's curious eyes stared at it. "Is that a lunchbox?" he asked. "Ah, Yes... I bought it from a vendor near Wangshuu Inn" Xiao replied. Zhongli only hummed in response as Xiao handed him a lunch box.

"Oh? This is for me? Thank you." he thanked him as he opened the lunch box, the delicious smell of the food filling his senses. Zhongli took a bite of the fried noodles without a thought, as soon as he took a bite, his facial expression changed. "...Xiao." he called out his name, "Where... Did you say you bought this from again?" he asked. "From a vendor near Wangshuu Inn." he replied, "I see..." Zhongli replied. Xiao was confused as to why Zhongli would be curious of a random mortal, a vendor at that but decided it was not his place to ask why.

'I knew it... You've descended again...' Zhongli thought. 

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