Story of me and my friend

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Me - cuddling my shorter and younger friend

My friend - stop 

Me - no

Some idiot - stop kissing

Me - what?

Some idiot - why was you kissing her?

Me - I was hugging her

Some idiot - no

Me - yes

My friend - she was hugging me

Some idiot - Go get a room

Me - ace and she is straight 

(The idiot knows my gender btw)

Some idiot - yea you a boy she a girl

Me - no, I'm female 

Some idiot - so

Me - If we was dating the we would been lesbian

Some idiot - ?

Me - goes back to cuddling my friend 

--------------Class starts-------------------

Me - helps my friend

My friend - helps me 

Me - pays her back with snacks 

My friend - :)

Me - :)

The idiot - stop flirting 

Me - I'm not

The idiot - yes you ar-

Me - shut it

My friend - :)

--------------------end of class-----------------

Goes to lunch 

(Bruh jealous that I have friends and he can't get no friends 

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