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                   Life is never easy when you are alone. You will definitely think a lot. Over thinking makes life tougher. I felt this many times even when there was someone to talk. Because being in a close relationship with someone will make you think a lot. Their absence will make you think more about them. Like.. "How important is he or she to you?", "Is there someone else who make him or her happy more than you do?", "Is it you that come to their mind when something good or bad happens?" ...many many such things.
                       But loneliness is of two types. The one we choose and the other which we feel because of someone's absence. I have been through both. There were times i choose to be alone, and i felt good those days. And when i miss being with someone that really makes me sad. Earlier an Enrique or BSB song was enough to forget the pain. But these days its not working.
Loneliness is the main reason for a boy or girl to mostly go in the wrong direction. In case of guys they prefer drugs and alcohol. Yes I'm talking about majority not everyone. But there are people who find something good to escape from this feeling. Maybe with studies or job. And there are some people who choose neither good nor bad. And invest their time with other interests like writing.
                     Sometimes i feel i'm born to be alone till my death. No siblings, no friends and of course no girlfriend. This is the main reason why youngsters are getting addicted to internet. I was in almost all the social networking sites. I got some special friends online. And i really enjoyed it. Firstly, I was able to say my opinion about everything to the world then i got some friends, some good friends, better than the friends i had in the real world. So i will never complain about social networking sites. They were my problem solvers.
And the company of the people i got from internet kept me away from Drugs and drinks, you may not believe it but I really believe they are the reason for not doing that. Because i always had someone to talk.
                          Nothing hurts more than being lonely. The pain will never leave no matter how many times you have been in that stage. Loneliness become a part of you, and you will forget to smile. When you are laughing thousands of people will join you but when you are sad or when crying, you will be alone. You will not get a companion.
So we should be able to handle this situation. You can't avoid this problem as long as you care for others till you learn to live independently. I'm not saying to stop carrying about others. Even if it is a blood relation, you will have to leave them at some stage. For example just imagine you have a twin sister or brother. You both came to the world together and for 20-22 years you both were together. But you can't be together forever, that's the truth. We have to accept it. But staying away from them doesn't make you miss them. Love and care is not about physical distance. It's about how much time you spent for them. Asking them how's their life and just make them feel that you are always there for them.
                 Saying 'stop caring about others' is nonsense. Because the basis of life is love and care. So love them as much as you can. Like i said earlier make them feel like they are not alone. If you love everyone you are not alone.
People say the reason for all the problem is expectations. But i don't think so. Because when you care about someone you will expect it back from them. Because that's human nature. The reason for this problem is not expectations, the reason is pretending that you care. Don't ever do anything just for the sake of saying. Say you care about him or her only if you do with your heart. If you don't care don't act in front of them like you care. Actually you are cheating that person, you are creating a fake protective layer in their mind.
                        Everyone doesnt feel lonely just because a stranger they met yesterday left them. But there are people who can't just let go it. In my life some people came one morning, they were with me for some period of time. They made me feel like I'm someone special to them and i felt same about them. Many promises. I was happy. And one morning they disappeared from my life. First i got hurt and i cried but same happened again and again but i didn't cry.
                        You may be thinking why I'm making the same mistakes again and again. Some people need love and care. When one door closes, they go to another. They will learn something from each person but they can never live independently.
                      All i have to say is don't give FAKE PROMISES. If you can't keep your promises then don't do it. Just keep moving else they will feel difficult to move on with their life.
                       If someone truly cares about you then they can't leave you. So if someone left you, don't cry for them.
And If you care about someone let them know, they deserve it. Just be with them, be real.
                   And remember one thing. If we all are alone, we are together in that. Our loneliness. So you are never alone, stay strong, think and live positively

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