-The Idea-

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TW!: implied past argument, breakfast club movie (reference to abuse, smoking, attempted suicide), swearing

A/n: I don't ship anything in this story, it is ALL platonic! Except if said otherwise, but the point of this story is not about romantic relationships anyhow. And most definitely an inconsistent uploading schedule awaits you. Also I headcannon nonbinary Virgil, genderfluid Remus, and mtf Janus. Logan is ftm, Patton and Roman are cis. 

"I know you will hate this Virgil, but I have a suggestion. What if the darksides and brightsides move in together to make connections?" Logan suggested during a dinner of lasagna. 

Patton stabbed his fork into the noodles, "That sounds fun! We can watch movies, eat snacks, play video games, and share jokes!" Patton took a bite happily at this idea.

Virgil took a sip of their Pepsi and sighed. They hated this idea. The darksides have not talked about what happened since they left. Will it just be them passing snarky comments back and forth? It will be a shit show. But there is also the possibility that they will make up and be siblings again. Be able to paint each others' nails, climb trees, and listen to each others' music. 

"What do you think, Virge?" Patton asked, and Roman gave Virgil a little nudge so they would respond. 

Anxiety shook their head for a second, to get themselves back to the situation, reality. "Sure," they mumbled quietly. "how would this work? Did you guys talk to them already?" They started to talk louder into a more normal volume.

"We haven't, we were waiting for your input, now we will though." Roman pushed aside his finished plate and stood up. "We will defeat the tension between us," Creativity unsheathed his sword, "and unite as one!" He had his foot on his chair and looked upwards. 

"That sounds awesome and all, but can you not have your sword out?" Patton exclaimed and picked up everyone's plates, except Virgil's half-eaten plate.

Roman face turned a light hint of red and sheathed his sword. "Sorry," he stepped off the chair and his right hand rubbed the back of his neck. 

"It's okay, just remember we worked really hard on keeping this house nice and tidy," Logan replied. He was working on being less serious. And using less complicated words, although he does from time to time excitedly explain to everyone words; whenever he finds a new word he really likes. As well as have the others make him notecards with words they like or slang so he can better understand them. 

Virgil looked back down at their food and sighed. Another meal they couldn't finish. They put their plate in the fridge. 

With that all four of them went to do what they usually do. Patton washed the dishes because he loves to help around the house. Logan got his nose stuck in a book Virgil recently recommended to him, Emily Strange - Lost Days.  Roman worked on painting a crown he made with paper mache and cardboard. While Virgil headed toward their soundproofed room, soundproofed for the sake of everyone's ear drums. (They blast their music outloud on their speaker whenever its convenient. Whether it is 3pm or 5am.)

Virgil opened their painted black oak wood door, to be welcomed with their walls covered in news clips, posters, paper, artwork, and LEDs set on dark blue. The only place that they feel comfortable and safe in at the moment. 

They sat at their untouched desk and laid their feet on the top of it as they leaned backwards on their chair. They let their brain get paranoid over the possibility of falling on the floor, to distract themselves from the anxiousness of their siblings arrival tomorrow. Instead, they turn on their phone and connected it to their speaker. The speaker played a song called 'The Hills by The Weekend' in their 'Fuck This Shit' playlist. They let their eyelids close to consume the music and release the thoughts endlessly racing in their mind. 

Inhale for 4 seconds.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Exhale for 4 seconds.

Repetition of this process a couple times and Virgil lets their feet fall to the floor. Making the chair they sat on stable. They glanced infront of them to find an abandoned sketchbook and a new song playing on their playlist. 'Yandere by Jazmin Bean', they loved to see a nonbinary singer that has gained recognition. 

Virgil picked out a pencil from their cup of junk and opened their sketchbook to a blank page. They pressed the pencil against the paper and started out with small, quick, and short lines, chicken scratch. That progressed to something more detailed, longer lines that took more concentration and effort into to make the artwork fit all together. When Virgil looked up from their artwork they saw that an hour had already passed without them noticing. They looked down at their drawing again and smiled, atleast they had one thing they were good at.

Curious on what the others were doing, Virgil exited their room and went down the stairs. They found themselves in the living room, occupied with Patton and a movie on the tv. Virgil sat down next to him.

"What are you watching?" Virgil asked, and Patton smiled. Knowing that Virgil was trying to get out of their room more. 

"Breakfast club, ever heard of it?" Patton paused the movie.

"No, what's it about?"

"So basically these five kids are stuck in Saturday detention, they then learn about each other and all this other bonding stuff. Although it does have some trigger warning stuff like attempted suicide, smoking, abuse, and such. Want to watch? I'm at the beginning so I can rewind it for you." Patton looked over at Virgil and hoped Virgil would agree.

"Sure, can I get the blanket too?" Virgil referenced to the large light blue blanket Patton was using.

Patton rewound the movie and gave Virgil some of the blanket. The two watched the movie together and talked at certain points of the movie. Pausing it for a minute or two when topics were darker and Anxiety needed a moment. Patton gladly doing so, caring about his friend's well-being. 

Once the movie was over Patton put on another one, Good Burger, just so they could hang out a little longer. In the morning Logan found the two of them asleep. Patton leaning against his arm on the armchair - Logan felt bad for Patton's neck, that must hurt in the position it is in -, with Virgil using Patton's legs as a pillow.  

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