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Her name was Dioxazine, Zine for short. Her fathers name was Arson, he was the king of Raewavell Kingdom, but her mother… she wasn’t in the picture anymore. Zine was almost a spitting image of her mother. Her soft pink hair fading into a dark purple that was cut short to her shoulders. She had wings that were fluffy and feathery like her mothers that also had the pink and purple coloration. 

The only thing that was different from her mother was a thin tail with a tuft of soft fur like feathers, that of which she got from her fathers side of the family, pink in coloration. She had markings on her arms and back that  started showing when she was five years old, they would begin to glow in the dark as she got older along with the coloration in her eyes. Her tail was longer than her body, it had always been like that. She only looked more and more like her mother when she got older. The only issue in her fathers was that she didn’t wish to be a princess.

She excelled in all combat, sword and bows was her personal favorite. Her father didn't like her practicing combat, he didn’t think that it was proper for a princess to excel in any type of combat, so she trained in silence so he wouldn’t figure it out. Even though she was great with combat and loved the swords and bows she didn’t love it, she only knew that she would most likely need it one day. She did however love playing the violin. Whenever she was alone you could almost always find her playing her violin.

This is where our story will officially start. Zine was in her room, she sat by the open window playing her violin as she faced the town, walls built around the kingdom leading to large open fields. There was a knock at the door but she ignored it and continued to play. There was a pause of knocks that didn't last long before more that she once again ignored followed by someone opening the door. “Princess, the king needs to see you in the study.”

She stopped playing, continuing to look out the window staying silent. It was one of the guards, “Princess” he said, staying in the doorway. She set down her violin and shut her window, “I’m sorry, I didn’t invite you in. My Father knows I practice at this hour.” she stated turning and walking towards the guard. “Yes ma’am, I'm terribly sorry about that, however I am afraid this is urgent.” he said before moving out the way holding the door open for her, she sighed, “Of course it is. Probably wants to scold me about missing my stupid classes again.”

She walked out her room starting down the hall. The guard shut the door behind her, “I don’t know, for I was not told.” he said. “I know, usually you are never told.” Zine stated and continued down the hall.

As she continued to walk it was silent while the guard followed. Zine listened to everything going on around them. Their footsteps echoing through the halls, the guards' armor making noise each step of the way. Light shown through the windows they walked past, shining on the pearly pristine floors. Eventually they reached the study. Zine went inside as the guard took his place beside the door standing where he always would.

“You called for me?” Zine said as the doors shut behind her making a loud sound through the silent castle. “Yes, first I wish to talk to you about your studies. I’ve been informed by your teachers that you have been slacking off again and running to go hide places.” Her father said sitting at the desk. He seemed to have been multitasking, signing papers as he spoke. “The studies are boring, I would much rather be doing something different. Such as practicing.” Zine said as she walked around to the huge window that was behind her fathers desk.

It overlooked the rest of the castle and over the walls into the empty plains, woods, and mountains. How she wished to go past the walls. She was fixing to turn Eighteen and yet still didn’t understand why she wasn’t allowed past the walls. Despite the obvious dangers she wished to leave. She hated being trapped inside the castle all the time.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 11 ⏰

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