Poison x Juice

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*Thinking is in Italics*
TW- this chapter slightly mentions blood, needles, and sewer slide
TW- this chapter has a lot of mentions of abandonment, and Hisoka.

After being pronounced dead 4 years ago it's hard to get a job. Of course I'm not actually dead. When the thugs base became unstable and boulders fell on me I was able to Dodge, but I left my bag that was full of blood for Milluki to experiment with. Illumi didn't see that though. He didn't feel any emotion. I've always been able to see through his emotionless act, but this was real. I feel like that hurt worse than if he was happy I died.

He walked away from the boulder and called mother to inform her that I died. I could hear mother crying on the phone. Then I heard it "She was useless anyways" father had always treated me well. I thought he loved me but I was probably just lying to myself. Oh well I don't need friends Nor family.

I need to get this job, sure I could assassinate people, but I don't want more people coming after me than necessary. Maybe this will stop my boredom for a while? Plus hunters make good money.

I looked around, I was in Zaban City, that's where the Hunter is taking place. Apparently it's in a ramen shop. I think I found it? I walk in and a guy looks at me. "Is the backroom available?" I ask.  "What are you having?" The man asks suspiciously. "The stake combo, please. The one that'll make me see the light." I reply. "How do you want it cooked?" He questions me. "Grilled Slowly over a Low flame 'till done, please." I give him the final part of the code. "Alright the backroom is yours" I nod in return.

I sit down. The room slowly starts sinking. Is this an elevator? I look around the elevator and a trip on a chair. "Ow..." I saw a pin on the ground. I grab it and stand up. This kinda looks like illu-

The elevator doors finally opened. I walk into the room.  it looks pretty boring here and there is too many people. A little green guy greets me and gives me a badge. Number 369. I place the badge on my shirt and walk around.

A guy comes up to me. "Hello, my name's Tompa, you must be new here." He smiles. I glare trying to tell him I'm not interested but he doesn't get the hint. He laughs "Here I can tell you about some of the other contestants." He points to some people and tells me about them, but I just nod. He grabs in his bag and gives me a drink. "A toast to new friendships" he lies.

I open the canned beverage and look at him. "You don't think I'm that stupid, right?" I speak. "What?" He must take me for a fool. I grab his collar tilt his head up and pour the drink down his throat. He starts gagging and I let out a slight laugh. Also Snagging some of the other Sodas because I am immune to them anyways

-Time skip brought to you by Killua's chocolate addiction-

Someone bumps into me. "I'm sorry!" I turn around to see a boy who looks 6 years younger than me. "It's okay" I state. "I'm Gon Freecss" he introduces himself. "Y/N Z- uh L/N"  i speak. L/N it's not as catchy as Zoldyck but it'll do, I suppose. I look up to see his friends. A boy who looks a couple years younger than me and a 30yr old man... Who is now on the floor with a nosebleed. "Oh." I mumble.

Everyone suddenly gasps at some clown who cut someone else's arms off. That's not impressive, they are all obviously not strong enough to pass the exam if this is what scares them.

But if people are scared of him I should try to make him an ally. I sit down on the ground thinking about all the positives and negatives of it. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up "Hello~" I guess I'm going to either be enemies or allies with the clown after this. "Hello" I responded. "My name is Hisoka~ Hisoka Morrow~" he introduces himself. "You may call me Y/N L/N" I declared, confirming my new last name to myself. I stand up looking Up/Down at him, inspecting his every feature. He grins and I remain emotionless. "Oh I'm going to like you Y/N~"

He weirds me out... but he could be a very useful Ally. I am not.. good at making allies.. Father or Illumi would make them and I would just nod in agreement with them. I need to become his ally. 1. I need to learn how to make allies and 2. Father and Illumi don't remember me. Maybe I should try to act friendly?

"So Hisoka, why are you taking the exam" I show a forced smile. "So I can kill people without getting arrested~ you?~" he elaborated. "I was.. bored, and I have Nothing better to do" I confessed.

Hisoka POV:

What an interesting girl.. she is a Very juicy but unripe fruit~ ooh mmm that look on her face I can barely take it~


He's looking in my eyes and I do not know how  to break the eye contact. I think maybe he's evaluating me on something? I do not know what he could be judging me on though.

Hisoka turns his head. Apparently the first phase is about to start. The examiner has warned us about the dangers and asked if anyone wants to leave. Most of these idiots are going to die a painful but forgettable death. I do not feel bad for them however. They are the ones committing sewer slide, not me. I glare at all of them. The highest number I have seen was the little boys.. his name was Gon, I believe. He had number 405 I think.

-995 words-

A/N: has anyone else noticed how all of the Zoldyck children have two L's in their name or was just me?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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