1. Off the Deep End

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1: Off the Deep End - Childe

Another boring day at school... the day was like any other... I come in sit down, plug my earbuds in and drown away into the nothingness of my favorite artists. I'm not sure what made me think college would be any more fun than highschool... but I hated it here.

It was a study hall class and the teacher was out so everyone was bustling around.

Conversations with friends. My friend conveniently had been absent that day so I just rested my head and waited for the hour to pass by.

I slowly began to drift away into a light sleep when a hand slammed down on my desk with a


Startling me awake, I jolted up straight a tad irritated. It was none other than Childe and his little gang.

"Hey Girlie~" he teased, taking one of my earbuds out. I look up and see Scaramouche and Razor standing on either side of Childe.

"What do you want now?" I say with an eye roll.

This is Childe, my upperclassman. He's a 4th year and I'm a 3rd year and since I got to this school he's made it his mission to piss me off everyday.

I don't know when exactly it started or why... but he's made my life a living hell for as long as I can remember. Constantly pestering me... making fun of me every chance he gets. He may be cute on the outside but on the inside... nothing but the embodiment of the devil himself!

And yet I was blessed to find this man... attractive— what luck

"I just wanted to check in on my favorite play thing... I heard you recently got a love confession from someone? That true?" He said with a smug look on his face.

"What's it matter to you..."

"Who was it girlie?" He said getting closer, inches away from my face.

My face tingled with a fuzzy sensation making my nose kind of itchy. I backed away and sat back in my chair, grabbing my things to get ready to leave.

"Bennett.. he asked me out.." I said in a huff.

I got up and swung my bag over my shoulder and gave him the nastiest look possible..

"Doesn't matter anyways, why on earth would you care-"

"Why you little-" he said trying to pace closer to me. But before he could I slammed the door in his face and took my leave to the club rooms.

Later that day I went to the library during my lunch break to check out a new issue of the manga I was reading, took it to the hallway and sat on the bench near the storage closet. Opening it gently to read the exciting bit of romance that was within the soft pages.

Harsh footsteps were heard coming down the hallway quickly.

"He went that way get him!!"

an out of breath bully of mine suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Boy am I glad to see you!"

"What is going on here?" I shouted.

"No time to talk just follow me!!"

He pulled me into the storage closet and slammed the door behind us.

It was dark.. his chest heaved up and down from running.

The door was locked behind him and he towered over me, his arms resting on both sides of my

face trapping me in place.

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