Am I a Monster?

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Battle raged. Izuku, coated head to toe in a torn and ruined green suit, fought through wave after wave of villains. The young hero had only one thing in mind. Find Chisaki and make him suffer.

The young man had seen and done many terrible things in this world. The many times when he hadn't been enough. The times when he could not save everyone. The times when he had seen people crushed under rubble, or under the foot of a villain, and had been able to do nothing but stand there. The were also the occasions that a hero had no choice but to snap the neck of a villain, or send a superpowered punch to their skull, caving it in. He had seen blood. He had seen brain matter. He had felt the beating heart of an opponent fade away in front of his eyes. Izuku Midoriya had changed. Once he lived as an innocent child with dream to become a hero, now that dream had all but come true.

The worst, of course, was the events that lead to this very raid. The discovery of a girl, no older than five, being tortured and experimented on by a Yakuza. The encounter a few days prior, in which Izuku had been unable to help the very girl he was rescuing now. He had seen the look in her eyes as she walked back into the alley with the villain known as "Overhaul". Now he had a chance. He would not waste it.

The fight continued, but Izuku kept a direct path through it. He had disregarded any morals, any image of heroism, all he cared about now was saving Eri. A punch to the gut. A kick to the skull. Broken bones. Any simple Yakuza thug was immediately dispatched by the green hero. If the vestiges of One For All were watching him now, would they be disappointed? Would they understand? Izuku didn't know.

Whatever they thought, that wouldn't stop him. Broken bodies littered the floor of the facility, but Izuku payed them no mind. The sight of a man in a bird mask and green coat ducking into a room caught Izuku's eye. A simple flick of a finger revealed the retreating form of Kai Chisaki through a destroyed wall. A green flash signalled Izuku's actions, as he rocketed towards the Yakuza Boss.


A fist connected with Chisaki's jaw, shattering the bone and leaving in looking like it would fall off at any minute. Chisaki did not, however, have a chance to scream in pain. Before he knew it, he was lifted from his landing site and kicked through a few ceilings. The attacker blurred through the new hole, axe kicking Chisaki back through the building, creating a new gap next to the one he made on the way up.

Landing beside him, Izuku stood tall. Dark green lightning crackling, forming an imposing aura. One that less resembled a hero, and more so one of the harbinger of death, the Reaper's Right Hand.

"Know that you deserve all of this, Chisaki. As my mentor once said, Whether you hurt someone else, or someone else hurts you, the same red blood will be spilt. Prepare yourself, 'cause I'm going to make you bleed. This is for Eri."

The teen did not let up. Pummelling the Yakuza boss into the ground, he thought of his own failure. His own mistake in not holding onto Eri the first time and never letting go. He did his best to make up for his error. One For All sparked within him, fuelling his rampage. No-one could get close. Not a single hero, police officer or Yakuza thug could interfere in the beatdown.

Izuku stopped punching the villain long enough to grab him by the hair. Dragging Chisaki roughly, he left the area at high speed. Outside, he flung Chisaki into the sky, jumping after him. Landing a punch as he flew by, he flipped in the air and shot back at Overhaul. Connecting again, he repeated his manoeuvre. To any onlookers he was a green mesh cage trapping Overhaul in a purgatory of the one-sided brawl. 

It had reached the point now that even if Izuku stopped, Overhaul's fate was sealed. One last hit sent Chisaki into the pavement. Izuku slammed his fists behind him, flying forward. Drawing his fist back midair, he unleashed a final punch to Chisaki. Once the debris settled, the image before them made all heroes freeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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