Chapter 9 - The Danosaur

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I'm standing in front of an anime store, hugging a girl, wearing a totoro hat. What has my life become? ...Better, I guess. If I look at the good and the bad points of view...the bad one is that marriage incident, and the good one is...the new friends? I've been through some really weird shit since that time, I can't possibly be rational.

The sun is slowly disappearing, It's getting darker. The neon lights are starting to shine, and are creating a very romantic scene. Almost like in the movies. I look down to (y/n). Her eyes are gratefully shining when she smiles up to me. She's so pretty. Her (h/c) hair, shaping her face in a perfect way. I can't take it anymore, it's getting too awkward. I lean down, and when I'm a centimeter away from kissing her, I hear someone call YouTube name.


"Fuck." I silently swear under my breath and exhale. (Y/n) jumps a meter away from me, with a confused and disappointed look on her face. A girl, looking like 13 years old is running towards us, screaming and waving violently.

"Um, hey, young lady..."

"DAN OMG I'M ACTUALLY MEETING YOU FOR REAL!!! HOLY SHIT, CAN WE TAKE A SELFIE?" She jumps in from of me and hugs me tightly, so I'm afraid she won't let go.

"I'M THE BIGGEST DANOSAUR EVER!!! AHH! OH, AND hey,, girl. I wish I were you to be honest..." She just can't frickin' shut her mouth. I'm generally really nice to my fans, and I'm super satisfied when I make them happy. BUT. But she's ruined our moment! I'm not such an extroverted person. This was truly new and amazing for me, and she destroyed it.

"Hi! You're a part of the Phandom too?" Says (y/n) politely, with a forced smile on her face.

"Um..just a Danasour. I don't like Phil that much." She replies, confidentiality.

"Don't you think that was a little bit rude?" Asks (y/n) quietly.

"I can like whatever I want to! And Phil's not interesting for me. I just want to take a picture with Dan, please, give me a rest." The girl whines and pushes (y/n) out the way.

"Excuse me??" I say, because I can hardly believe she just did that.

"Sorry Dan, sorry!! Here, please, PLEASE, smile!"

"I'm sorry. I think you should leave. You don't like Phil, and I don't like your attitude." I turn to (y/n), grab her hand and we walk away, not looking back.

"DAAAN, SORRY!!!" she screams behind me, and starts sobbing. But I know people - this isn't real crying. It's just a spoiled child's forced cry, to make them get whatever they want to.

It's getting late, so I call a taxi, and (y/n) and I drive back to the hotel in silence. I'm still cursing the girl inside my mind, actually managing not to swear out loud. We jump out of the cab, and get going towards the tall building. I truly hope that Phil and (f/n) aren't mad anymore. Everything is swirling inside my head. (y/n) is walking in front of me, her (h/c) hair lightly swaying in the breeze. She's so pretty. And our kiss is screwed up.

I really want to run to her, hug her from behind and kiss her, like they do in all the cheezy romantic movies, but I know that it would probably turn out horrible. I would probably trip and we'd both fall. Or she wouldn't kiss me back. God, why am I complicating so much? I slept with her, the day we got married, why is a single kiss so hard right now? Am I scared of rejection?

Me, deep in my pessimistic thoughts, and her, slowly approach our hotel room doors. (y/n) finally turns around, and looks at me for the first time after the awkward situation. My body tenses in expectation, but she simply says:

"It's locked, can you please give me the keys?" I take a deep breath, slowly close my eyes, open them again, and do it. I suddnely slam my lips against hers, with one thought on my mind: It's now or never. Now or never. She jumps at first, looking surprised, but then she relaxes, and so do I. She puts her hands around my neck, hugging me, and pulling me closer. She's not that short, but seems so tiny, next to me. I lean down a little bit, so she doesn't have to stand on her toes the whole time.

When we break apart, her cheeks are glowing dark red, and I'm probably blushed as well. Also, she's smiling, which means the world to me - I have finally not done something wrong! Good job, Dan!

"Who said you weren't a couple?" We suddenly hear an old voice from the shadows, followed by a chuckle. We both shiver, needing a moment to realize who said that... it's the owner of the hotel, the one with grey hair, that told us about young love, or something. We blush even more, and I awkwardly unlock the doors. Old ladies are creepy, don't try to prove me wrong.


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Thanks for almost 300 frickin' reads guys!! I hope that you're enjoying! :D

Please don't judge the grammar xD

And see ya later! ^.^


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